Povarov Vladimir Petrovich was born on April 19, 1957 in the settlement. Steam turbines of the Papal district of the Namangan Region of Uzbekistan.
In 1980 graduated from Moscow Power Engineering Institute.
Candidate of Technical Sciences.
2001-2008 – the deputy chief engineer for security and reliability of branch of federal state unitary enterprise Rosenergoatom Concern "Volgodonsk nuclear power plant".
2008-2009 – the first deputy director of the branch of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rosenergoatom Concern "New Voronezh nuclear power plant", the first deputy director of the branch of JSC Energoatom Concern "New Voronezh nuclear power plant".
Since 2009 – the deputy CEO – the director of the branch of JSC Rosenergoatom Concern New Voronezh NPP.
For May 16, 2018 Vladimir Petrovich Povarov works as the deputy CEO – the director of the branch of JSC Rosenergoatom Concern "New Voronezh nuclear power plant"[1].