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Ragozin Yury Igorevich
Ragozin Yury Igorevich

In 1976 graduated from Moscow State Aviation Technological University of K.E. Tsiolkovsky. After the termination of institute worked as the senior laboratory assistant, the engineer. In 1978 it was called in ranks of the Soviet Army. After demobilization, from 1980 to 1995 worked in Goskomtruda of the USSR, Committee on employment of the population of Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, Government Office of the Russian Federation.

Since August, 1995 works in the Moscow regional employment service of the population, at first as the first deputy director of MOTsZN, then, since April, 1997 – the first deputy head of the department of federal public service of employment of the population of the Moscow region and since November, 2003 heads the Moscow regional employment service of the population. Since January, 2007 - the chief of Head department of public service of employment of the population of the Moscow region, since April 1, 2009 - the Chairman of the Committee on work and employment of the population of the Moscow region.

In 2002 was trained in the Russian academy of public service under the President of the Russian Federation according to the program of occupational retraining "Legal support of market economy". After defense of a thesis in 2003 to it the academic degree of the candidate of pedagogical sciences is awarded.

In 1990-91 Ragozin Yu.I. actively dealt with problems of employment of the population, was directly involved in preparation of Principles of the legislation of the USSR on employment, creation of the employment service of the population. Since 1992 participated in development and the statement of Regulations on public service of employment of the Russian Federation and Regulations on Public foundation of employment of the population of the Russian Federation.

During operating time in the employment service of the population of the Moscow region made a big contribution to development of Programs of assistance of employment of the population of the Russian Federation, legislative and regulating documents on problem solving of employment of the population, ensuring social security of citizens in labor market.

Ragozin Yu.I. - scientific consultant and coauthor of such scientific publications as "System of complex performance appraisal of jobcenters of the population", "Basic principles of work on employment rehabilitation of disabled people", "Methodological bases of development of programs of employment and support of a small entrepreneurship in the Moscow region".

It is awarded with a medal "In Commemoration of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow", the medal "For Faultless Service", the medal "For Merits in the Social and Labor Sphere 2 Degrees", "The honorary employee of Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation" has the breastplate and the sign of the Governor of the Moscow region "I thank".