Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Maganov Ravil Ulfatovich



Maganov Ravil Ulfatovich
Maganov Ravil Ulfatovich


1977: Gubkin Moscow Institute of Petrochemical and Gas Industry


  • 1988-1993 - Chief Engineer - Deputy General Director, General Director of Langepasneftegaz PO.
  • 1993-1994: Vice President of OAO LUKOIL. It was Ravil Maganov who came up with the name of the company.
  • 1994-2006: First Vice President of OAO LUKOIL.
  • Since 2006 - First Executive Vice President of OAO LUKOIL.

Elected to the Board of Directors of OAO LUKOIL since 1993.

On September 1, 2022, it became known that the chairman of the board of directors of Lukoil, Ravil Maganov, fell out of the window of a Moscow hospital and died.

Marital status

Married, two children