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Rostokin Valery Anatolyevich
Rostokin Valery Anatolyevich

Valery Anatolyevich Rostokin was born in 1967.

In 1993 graduated from Peking University majoring in "the international economy" and the State university of management as "engineer-economist".

Since 2003 Valery Rostokin worked in Transtelecom company as the vice president, directed department of economy and investments, department of international sales.

In 2004 graduated from the Moscow State Legal Academy (MSLA) as "lawyer".

In 2006 joined Transtelecom the Board.

In 2007 headed representative office Transtelecom in Beijing.

From May 17, 2010 to July, 2011 - the CEO of NVision Group. The source in NVision Group knows that to Rostokin "very attractive offer from category of what do not refuse" arrived. One more interlocutor of ComNews, the acquaintance with Rostokin, says that the manager already some time considers the arrived offer which is directly connected with the innovation production for the benefit of Rusnano.

On July 25, 2011 it became known that Valery Rostokin is appointed the CEO in the producer of a polysilicon (it is used in solar power) Nitol. "It was my own considered decision which I made not spontaneously, - Rostokin told CNews. - It is connected first of all with desire to work at a real factory".

Priorities which were delivered before it by shareholders Rostokin calls ensuring the stated production volumes and the organization of "a modern corporate management system", and an area of responsibility, in addition - financial and sales policy of the company, corporate management and interaction with shareholders, investors and officials.

Before Rostokin's arrival by the CEO of Nitol there was Dmitry Kotenko who is at the same time one of owners of the company and the chairman of the board of directors of the company (he reserved this position). Except it also Sberbank has shares in the enterprise, Rusnano, structures of the World Bank of IFC and the Chinese Suntech Power. "Valery Rostokin will head a team of top managers which the ambitious task of an output of the enterprise in leaders of world photovoltaics faces", - Kotenko comments on new appointment.


Sushkevich Anton, president of NVision Group: "Valery Rostokin is a head with the unique experience capable to solve the major problems of development facing the company. The main objective of the new head is ensuring the advancing rates of development of the company at permanently high quality of project management".

Rostokin Valery, CEO of NVision Group: "The task of development of the company as large federal diversified holding and strengthening of positions in the infocommunication market of Russia and the CIS countries due to promotion of new industry solutions and services is set for me. I am sure that these tasks will be implemented together with highly professional staff of the company. For me work in NVision Group is an opportunity to implement already accumulated experience and to purchase new. I am glad to head one of the best companies of the Russian IT industry".