On December 7, 2011 Roman Rudakov is elected the director of Interleasing Group.
Roman Vladimirovich Rudakov is a professional financier, has considerable experience in the field of leasing. Before transition to the director's position to Interleasing Group Mr. Rudakov was the director of treasury of Aleksandrovsky bank, during 2008-2009 held a post of the director of treasury of Uralsib-Leasing company where he, in addition to the financial tasks assigned to it, was responsible for formation of Uniform Settlement Center of the Company. In banking sector proved as the competent financier and the successful head capable to setting and effective implementation of ambitious tasks.
"At a position of the director of Interleasing Group I am going not only to save a vector of successful development of the company, but to increase greatly this success for the realization account of a number of the set long-term goals, - Roman Rudakov says. - When preserving general strategy of development of Interleasing Group I am going to introduce in it a number of the key moments which, I am sure, will make the company even stronger and am more competitive in the Russian market of leasing. For me work in Interleasing Group is an opportunity to open the new horizons of development for itself and to find additional points of growth for entrusted to me in management of the company".