Alexander Ryabinin was born on January 21, 1983 in the city of Sverdlovsk. In 2005 ended Ural State Technical the University (now - URFA) as "Teplogazosnabzheniye, ventilation and conditioning systems".
Started a career in 2004 in Konnekt company where there passed the way from the employee of sales department to the manager with corporate and VIP clients. In 2005 passed into the Ekaterinburg branch of JSC "Uralsvyazinform" to a position of the specialist of department of the organization of works with corporate and VIP clients, then in 2007 becomes the head of the sales department of services to mass client segments, and in 2009 - the director of the center of sales and service of corporate clients. In 2010 passed to work into Urals Transtelecom company to a position of the head of the sales department to telecom operators. In 2016 became the associate director on work with key clients of Intelligent transport system company where was engaged in projects on promotion and implementation of a software package on control of land passenger transport at the level of the subject of the Russian Federation developed by a programming team from Tyumen.
On May 30, 2017 the Technoserv company announced opening of branch in Tyumen. Creation of branch became development of cooperation of the IT company with the leaders of area within the memorandum signed by the governor of the Tyumen region Vladimir Yakushev and the chairman of the board of directors of Technoserv group Alexey Ananyev in February, 2017.
Ryabinin Alexander who before transition to Technoserv held a position of the associate director on work with key clients of the Tyumen company "Intelligent transport system" is appointed the director of the Tyumen branch of the company.