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Yury Saygin

Education. Formation

Yury was born on March 8, 1952 in the city of Saransk. In school days Yury was interested in physics and mathematics, was a winner of the subject republican Olympic Games. In 1969 entered Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology on faculty of management and applied mathematics. During study was fond of soccer and chess, was an editor of the student's newspaper, wrote verses. In 1976, having graduated from MIPT with qualification the engineer-physicist, Yury Saygin received several offers on work. The position of the research associate at the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) in the city of Protvino situated near Moscow was the most interesting of them. IFVE – one of the largest scientific and computer centers of the USSR where the most modern ADP equipment was used and were applied the most advanced technologies. In IFVE technologies of Oracle were used since 1984 for development of a broad spectrum of information systems – from accounting before automation of the accelerator.

Career. Professional development

16 years Yury Saygin worked in department "Automated control systems" of IFVE, taking part in research and development. Among projects in which he was engaged, a system of accounting of information of individual radiation control, the Mattekhsnab automated control system. Yury Saygin of work at institute concentrated in recent years on DBMS Oracle. At that time about hundred developers of institute were also engaged in technologies of Oracle. The most part from them works century now RDTECH. The first version of Oracle 4 for VAX VMS was localized, and then Russified by future specialists RDTECH. Yury Saygin has a number of research and development among which "Language of management of data for DBMS", "Development of interfaces between Oracle DBMS and the publishing TeX system", "Localization of applications and work benches of Oracle" and many others.

Creation RDTECH

In 1992 Yury Saygin with friends created RDTECH company which he directs so far. In 1993 the RDTECH company becomes the first partner of Oracle in Russia. In 17 years collective RDTECH grew from 4 to 350 people. Thanks to the high professional grade of specialists, extensive work experience with products of Oracle, to full range of services, the RDTECH company proved as the authoritative, reliable and perspective Russian IT company. Saygin Yury Mikhaylovich is the CEO of RDTECH company till 2011.

Origin of the name RDTECH

RDT – reduction from a phrase Russian Database TeXnologies that in translation from English means "the Russian technologies of databases". "TEX" (in translation from Greek) is "technology", "art".