Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Semernin Vladimir Vladimirovich
Semernin Vladimir Vladimirovich


Was born on November 29, 1953 in the Irkutsk region.


1973: HMU of the lieutenant Schmidt

In 1973 got a secondary technical education in the Kherson seaworthy school of the lieutenant Schmidt. Specialty: Navigation, qualification: Navigator.

1979: VYUZI

In 1979 graduated at All-Union Legal Correspondence Institute (since 2013 - MGYuA - the Moscow state legal university of O.E. Kutafin). Specialty: Jurisprudence, qualification: Lawyer.

1984: HINH

In 1984 got second higher education at the Khabarovsk institute of the national economy (since 2015 - the Khabarovsk state university of economy and the right). Specialty: Industry planning, qualification: Economist.

1989: Candidate of Law Sciences

In November, 1989 the academic degree - Candidate of Law Sciences is awarded.


During the period from 10/1/2002 to 5/31/2003 got additional professional education at the Moscow international institute of econometrics, information science, finance and the rights, according to the program: Value assessment of the enterprise (business).


1973: "Kamchatka sea shipping company"

In 1973 on distribution it was directed to the Far East by the navigator on vessels of the Kamchatka sea shipping company.

1976: Lenin RK All-Union Leninist Young Communist League

From 1976 to 1978 was the first secretary of Lenin RK All-Union Leninist Young Communist League of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

1978: Kamchatka regional committee of Komsomol

In 1978 - 1979 - the manager of organizational department of the Kamchatka regional committee of Komsomol.

In 1979 - 1986 - the secretary, the 2nd secretary, then the 1st secretary of the Kamchatka regional committee of Komsomol.

1989: Office of the Supreme Council of the USSR

In 1989 - 1990 - the consultant managing the sector for public relations of the office of the Supreme Council of the USSR.

1990: Secretariat of the State Council of the USSR

In 1990 - 1991 - the manager of the Secretariat of the State Council of the USSR in the Office of the President of the USSR.

1991: RAGS under the President of the Russian Federation

In 1991 - 1994 - the deputy for scientific work of the Director of the center of the state and the right of the Russian academy of public service at the President of Russia (since 2010 - the Russian Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)).

1996: CEO of Investment and Finance Company Solid

From 7/25/1996 to 5/13/2010 - the CEO of Investment and Finance Company Solid Ltd.

2000: CEO of "AVGA"

Since 9/20/2000 - the CEO of AVGA LLC.

2003: Chairman of the board of directors of Solid Bank

Since 5/8/2003 - the Chairman of the board of Bank (Board of Directors) of Kamchatbusinessbank Ltd (since 2004 - Solid Bank), is re-elected: 6/25/2020.

2010: Chairman of the board of directors of Investment and Finance Company Solid

From 5/14/2010 to 5/13/2011 - the Chairman of the board of directors of Investment and Finance Company Solid Ltd.


CEO Solid Kama

Since 3/1/2011 - the CEO of Solid Kama LLC.

President of Investment and Finance Company Solid

From 5/16/2011 to 12/29/2014 - the President of Investment and Finance Company Solid Ltd.

2018: Chairman of the board of MOO "Kamchatka Association of Gamula

Since 4/6/2018 - the Chairman of the board of MOO "the Kamchatka Association of Gamula.