Semyonov Novel Vladimirovich
The deputy of the Penza City Duma of convocations of 2004 and 2009, the Chairman of the permanent commission on a gradoregulirovaniye, land use and property (acted as the initiator of creation of the new master plan of building of Penza and development of rules of building and land use).
Was born on April 30, 1972 in the city of Penza.
B of 1996 graduated from the All-Russian correspondence financial and economic institute majoring in "Finance and the credit", Economist received qualification. There passed the professional way from the senior auditor of the Central Bank of the Penza RONO to the auditor Control – auditing management of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation across the Penza region. In 1996-1998 – the managing partner of the Ekspert LTD auditing firm working with leading enterprises of the Penza region, such as JSC Diesel Plant, Zhilstroy Trust.
B of 1998 - 2000 - the CEO of OAO "Penza Brick-works No. 1". Under its management for short term the plant became prosperous business. B 1999 of OAO "Penza Brick-works No. 1" won first place among the enterprises of the industrial industry of the city of Penza.
In 2000-2003 - the CEO of OOO "Stroyinvest".
In 2000 – under the leadership of Roman Vladimirovich brick-works No. 2 were from scratch recovered.
In April, 2002 Roman Semyonov creates the Penza Construction Company enterprise and Solar builds the residential complex.
B is appointed February, 2004 by the chief executive of Municipal fund "Zhilye".
Since October, 2006 – the CEO of SKM Group LLC.
In 2006 - under control of Roman Semyonov the Penza company came to the Moscow market and for 4 years turned into powerful diversified developer Holding SKM group which includes 28 enterprises now. Roman Semyonov achieved that all work types executed by holding from design of construction and before object management are performed by the international rules and requirements.
For achievements in professional activity "The honored builder of the Russian Federation" is ahead of schedule provided to rewarding with the Honorary title. In 2010 became the winner of the award "Person of Year" in the "For Implementation of Socially Important Projects" nomination.