Yuri Shafranik was born on February 27, 1952, in Karasul village in Tyumen Oblast, after graduating school, he moved to Tyumen. There he enrolled in the Tyumen Industrial University and acquired the profession of an electrical engineer and also mining engineer. But his education did not end there. In 2006 Yuri Shafranik defended his doctoral dissertation and became Doctor of Economic Sciences.
Beginning from 1974, while still studying at the University, Yuri Shafranik started to work at the Nizhnevartovskneftegaz as a mechanic. By 1980 he was already holding a position of the head of the laboratory. And by 1987 he founded and became chief executive officer of the Langepasneftegaz, one of the major players of the market at that time.
In 1990, Yuri Shafranik won the elections to become the chairman of the Tyumen Regional Council of People's Deputies. At that time, he was able to contribute to the adoption of the Subsoil law. It regulated the relations in the field of geological exploration, management, and conservation of subsoil, treatment of waste from mining and related processing industries, specific mineral resources, and groundwater. In September 1991, Yuri Shafranik became the Governor of the Tyumen Oblast. Then, in January 1993 he became the Minister of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation. At that time, he contributed to the reorganization of the entire oil, coal and electric power sector. In 1996 Yuri Shafranik finished his political career.
In 2000, he created and became chairman of the Board of Directors of SoyuzNefteGaz, an international investment group of companies. The Group completed projects in over 20 countries ranging from oil and gas exploration and production to provision of oil and gas field services and construction. As of June 2020 SoyuzNefteGaz had a $1.5 bln. ($6 bln. for February 2022) – net return on invested capital and 1 bln. toe. (2 bln. toe. for February 2022) - total volume of commercial hydrocarbon reserves were developed with the participation of the Group.
Apart from being a successful entrepreneur, Yuri Shafranik strongly believes in public diplomacy and supports it by being the co-chair of the Russian delegation of the Dartmouth Conference. This Conference is a dialogue between Russia and the USA, which was ongoing for more than 60 years. The main goal of the dialogue between the two courtiers is to find common ground in economics, politics, culture and other spheres of interaction.
Yuri Shafranik is also the chairman of the Council of the Union of Oil and Gas Producer of Russia. He actively represents the industry at reputable international forums, regularly meets with foreign experts and international organizations.
Yuri Shafranik has a wife and two children.