Oleg Fedorovich Shakhov was born on March 1, 1969 in Kostroma.
Studied in FMSh No. 18 of A.N. Kolmogorov at Moscow State University which ended in 1986. From 1987 to 1989 served in the Soviet army. After demobilization arrived on the MSU Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics which ended in 1994, having received specialty "Mathematics, Applied Mathematics". Got second higher education in 2001, having graduated with honors from Financial academy at the Government of the Russian Federation as "economist", and in 2010 with honors graduated from the Russian academy of public service under the President of the Russian Federation, faculty "State Construction and Right" in "law".
At different times headed a set of the companies and was engaged in different projects across all Russia. Among work locations of Oleg Fedorovich it is possible to note a position of the deputy managing director of JSC Nosta (Orskokhalilovsky iron and steel works) for development, the vitseprezident of Stoylensky Niva agroindustrial corporation on investments, the vice president of Metalloinvest holding, on work with the agrarian and industrial complex enterprises, the Head of Department of investment policy of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.
During the period from 2003 to 2004 held a position of a vitsegubernator of the Voronezh region on economy. In 2004 passed to a position of the director of the department of development of infrastructure and investments of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. From 2005 to 2009 headed FGU "Dorogi Rossii", in 2009 became vitseprezidenty Center of Managerial, Economic and Legal Initiatives Strategiya Ltd and also it was elected the CEO of JSC GIPRODORNII.
In November, 2010 became the Chairman of the Moscow Committee for Pricing Policy in Construction and State Project Inspection (Moscow Committee for Pricing Policy in Construction and State Project Inspection) and the member of board of the Complex of urban policy and city building of Moscow. Held these positions till September, 2011 when headed Nauchnoissledovatelsky institute of the Moscow construction Niimosstroy. In October, 2011 became the first deputy governor of Tula region where supervised the Ministry of Transport and Road Facilities and the ministry construction and municipal services.
On October 14, 2012, being an independent candidate, won Khimki elections of the Mayor, having collected more than 47% of votes, having been ahead of the closest persecutor almost three times. The inauguration was held on October 23, 2012 in Khimki, in Rodina Palace of culture.
Was the Chairman of the board of Humanitarian World Fund and the president of Federation of fencing of the Moscow region.
Candidate of Economic Sciences. The associate professor "Management of investments and innovations" of faculty "Management" teaches in the Russian Economic Academy (REA) of G.V. Plekhanov. Valid state councilor 2 classes. Has a number of honorary rewards and thanks among which: The sign of the Governor of the Moscow region "I thank", Medal of FITUR "100 years to labor unions of Russia", Medal of Federation of astronautics of Russia "For merits before domestic astronautics" a name of S.A. Kosberg, Thanks of the Voronezh region duma and Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation.
He is married, raises two children.