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- Ismagil Kalyamovich Shangareev was born on November 30, 1956 in the city of Buguruslan of the Orenburg region.
- Right after its birth, the family moved to the city of Rostov-on-Don where they lived till 1963.
- In 1963 the family moved to the city of Perm where they lived till 1977. Here Ismagil Shangareev studied at school No. 25 and graduated from technical school of the Soviet trade (1972 - 1976).
- From 1976 to 1978 did military service in troops of air defense. In 1978 after demobilization returned to the city of Buguruslan where from Perm his parents returned.
- Worked in the private recording studio.
- Since the beginning of reorganization created several cooperatives, including released audio cassettes.
- Is the organizer of one of the first discos under the name "Disco of the 80th".
- At the beginning of the 2000th moves with family to Moscow.
- In 2006 moved to a permanent residence to the United Arab Emirates where lives still.
Has 3 higher educations. The last educational institution in which Ismagil Shangareev - branch of the Sankt-Peterbursky state engineering and economic university in the Emirates studied, faculty "Tourism and Hotel Economy".
In the UAE at Ismagil Shangareev extensive business, including network of Kazan restaurants, the companies on the real estate, tourism and car lease.
Ismagil Shangareev has 11 children and 7 grandsons.