Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Biography, career

From 1991 to  2003 Alexander Shipulin worked as the deputy chief of GPSI Rossvyazyinform (JSC Kubanyelektrosvyaz), the deputy CEO of YuTK.

From 2003 to  2007 Mobikom-Caucasus (Krasnodar) held a position of the First Deputy CEO.

From  2007 to  June, 2009 worked as the CEO of the company of TV set (Krasnodar).

Alexander Shipulin headed JSC Southern Telecommunication Company (STC) in 2009. In 2011 YuTK joined Rostelecom and the macroregional branch "Yug" appeared. Since 2009 the number of subscribers of broadband access in the macroregion Yug increased by 3 times and exceeded 1.5 million, and the number of users of paid TV grew up by 15 times and exceeds 360 thousand households.