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Acevedo Sleepyhead (Sonia Acevedo)



Acevedo Sleepyhead (Sonia Acevedo)
Acevedo Sleepyhead (Sonia Acevedo)


2021: Death after an inoculation against COVID-19 from Pfizer and BionTech

At the beginning of January, 2021 it became known of Sawney Acevedo's death. the 41-year-old doctor was found dead in two days after did her vaccination against COVID-19 coronavirus medicine of Pfizer and BioNTech.

According to the Correio da Manha newspaper with reference to the statement of the father of the woman Abilio Acevedo, it died on January 1, 2021. Sawney Acevedo never had problems with health. The daughter also did not complain to it of any ghost effects from vaccine.

By it made vaccine against COVID-19, but it had no symptoms. I do not know that I happened. I simply need answers. I want to know what led to the death of my daughter — Abilio Acevedo told.

At the Portuguese institute of oncology in Porto where the woman worked, confirmed that complaints from Acevedo were not received neither during vaccination, nor after it. In addition to Acevedo, the inoculation was received by 537 more employees of the same organization.

For clarification of causes of death specialists will carry out postmortem examination of the body. At died remained two children.

The severe form of an allergy could become the reason of a lethal outcome of the woman from Portugal after vaccination by medicine of Pfizer, but local physicians should understand it, the head of the center Gamalei Alexander considers Gintsburg.

Earlier medicinal department of Estonia provided data on manifestations of ghost effects from vaccine of Pfizer and BioNTech several days later after in the country mass vaccination of the population began.

After vaccination messages about pain in the place of a prick, muscular and headaches, low temperature, weakness, fatigue and a fever occur among the most frequent complaints. At the same time in department specify that any vaccines can cause similar symptoms, these manifestations should take place within several days. By the beginning of January, 2021 medicine of Pfizer and BioNTech is the only vaccine approved by the European Union from COVID-19.[1]
