Was born on July 6, 1959 in Leningrad.
In 1981 graduated from the Highest Naval school of the name M. B. Frunze as an engineer hydrographer.
In 1987 graduated from Naval academy of A.A. Grechko.
In the mid-eighties actively was engaged in scientific work. Author of a number of publications. Has an academic degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences.
Since 1996 – the pensioner of MO Russian Federation.
Since 1992 began to be engaged in business. During the period from 1993 to 2003 was the CEO of SALIDA and SALIDA PLUS Production trade firms. Was a member of Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Association of Joint ventures of the Russian Federation.
Since October, 2002 – the advisor to director general of RSA. In February, 2003 by the decision of Presidium it is appointed to the position of the deputy CEO of RSA, and since fall of 2003 it is confirmed to the post of the vice chairman of the board of RSA.
Now – the director Directorate of the PBDD, federal State Institution Program.
He is married, has the daughter.