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Yulia Tymoshenko in the mid-nineties directed the "United Energy Systems of Ukraine" company delivering gas to the republic. The prime minister of Ukraine of that time Pavel Lazarenko was considered as her patron. The last later after resignation was arrested several years in the USA, he was accused of fraud and money muling and sentenced to nine years of prison (afterwards the term of its conclusion was reduced).
Yulia Tymoshenko was arrested after coming to power of her political opponents — Victor Yanukovych and his Party of Regions. She was accused of abuse of authority (at the conclusion of gas agreements with Russia) and sentenced to seven years of prison. After the ex-prime minister transferred from colony to hospital in connection with a backbone disease.
Concerning the former head of the government also another criminal cases were brought. In particular, she is suspected of the organization of murder of the deputy Evgeny Shcherban in 1996. The prosecutor's office claims that also Pavel Lazarenko is involved in crime. Fight for control over the gas market was motive of murder, according to its version. Tymoshenko rejects all charges in the address, saying that the authorities pursue her for political motives.
Private life
Tymoshenko is married since 1979. As of January, 2013 her husband Alexander lives outside Ukraine.
Intimate relationship with Lazarenko
In January, 2013 it became known that the Ukrainian prosecutor's office claims that Yulia Tymoshenko was in intimate relationship with the colleague Pavel Lazarenko who in the mid-nineties directed the government of Ukraine. This statement, according to Ukrainian Pravda, contains in the document on Timoshenko's presentation of suspicions on the case of murder of the deputy Evgeny Shcherban[1].
The edition locates the text of the document (explaining at the same time that the published version differs from the original a little: the source which transferred the document deleted from it surnames, having left only the first letters; Tymoshenko, respectively, appears in it as T., Lazarenko — as L.).
Authors of the document say that "Lazarenko maintained the close personal relations with Tymoshenko, being with her in intimate relationship". The edition explains that investigators, obviously, mean last year's testimonies of Pyotr Kirichenko (the colleague Pavel Lazarenko acting in this case as the witness).
Kirichenko, according to Ukrainian Pravda, claimed that for Lazarenko and Tymoshenko who were allegedly in intimate relationship he had the hotel accommodation Kiev and also three-room luxury in Karlovy Vary. According to the witness, Lazarenko allegedly himself shared with him intimacy details.