Russian journalist, Candidate of Philology, teacher, producer, researcher. Head of the department of new media and theory of communication of faculty of journalism of Lomonosov Moscow State University. Creator and Chief Editor of the on-line newspaper Chastny Korrespondent. The author more than 500 publications in periodicals in Russia and abroad. Yassen Zasursky's grandson.
Ivan Zasursky started the career in the early nineties the reporter in Nezavisimaya Gazeta, at the age of 17 years. In 1993 became the manager of department of economy of Nezavisimaya Gazeta. During the same period studied at faculty of journalism. Graduated from journalistic faculty MSU with the diploma with honors. The next year Ivan Zasursky worked in "The general newspaper" as the development coordinator.
In 1997 Ivan decided to devote himself to policy, for a while left professional journalism and became the adviser to the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Boris Nemtsov. Experience of political activity was already available for Ivan Zasursky: in 1995 he was the head of an election campaign of the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.
In 1999 he published to year the book "Mass Media of the Second Republic" — a research on the history of mass media of Russia in the 1990s. The book touches upon a subject of transformation of media from the so-called fourth estate in peculiar agents of the new political centers. The book "Mass Media of the Second Republic" was conferred an award of MSU of Ivan Shuvalov.
In 1998 at faculty of journalism Lomonosov Moscow State University defended the dissertation of Candidate of Philology under the title "media of Russia in the conditions of global processes of transformation: formation of a new system of information and its role in political life of the country of 1990 — 1998". Together with it Ivan Zasursiky is the junior researcher of faculty of journalism of MSU.
By the beginning of the 2000th Ivan completely returned to professional journalism, especially he was interested in the network journalism and blogging gaining popularity as new forms of journalistic case. Became the codirector of the Russian-American center of the University of the State of New York and held a lecture tour across east coast of the USA. Became the director of Laboratory of Mediakultura and Communication of faculty of Journalism of MSU, in several years — the head of the department of new media and the theory of communication.
From 2001 to 2005 Zasursky worked in Rambler Internet holding as the deputy CEO for public relations, later — directors of special projects, prepared scientific reports of the company. In the course of preparation for sale of shares of Rambler-media company Zasursky made the transaction of Rambler with ICQ.
In the fall of 2006 Ivan Zasursky was invited in "SOUP" the marketing director. Because of a confrontation of opinion, Zasursky left this company next year.
In October, 2008 Ivan Zasursky created Chastny Korrespondent — the Russian online edition which completely passed with the first in Russia to the license Creative Commons. Desire to help the Russian Wikipedia became one of basic reasons of it. According to the Chief Editor, materials of Chastny Korrespondent could help the encyclopedia because they, on the one hand, represent analytics, with another — neutralities meet the requirement. However, in process of development of the edition its role as platforms for exchange of views began to grow.
Ivan Zasursky practices yoga: "I began to be engaged already long ago, perhaps, in antecedents, in this is in 1995". The Introductory 1 level protected in July, 2006 Ivan is the organizer and the teacher of seminars of Exit school "Zayon". During the travel to India he visited Institute of yoga Ayengar in Pune and communicated with Gurudzhi. Ivan translated into Russian of Yoga-Sutra of the ancient wise man Patandzhali, transfer is published in the book "Yoga in a Pocket". Also Ivan practices kriya-yoga.