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RDW Optimal AWS

Developers: RDW Computers, RDV Computers
Technology: Office equipment

2024: Compatibility with Rosa Chrome OS

ROSA and RDW Technology, completed a series of successful operating system deploymentsROSA Chrome workstation and server on certified automated workstations RDW Optimal 23GA-05, RDW Pro S1-10, RDW Xpert 23GA-06; on the RDW ProC1-10 personal mini-computer and on personal computers: RDW Optimal GD, RDW Xpert GC. This was announced by STC IT ROSA on May 22, 2024.

The result of the testing was confirmation of the full compatibility of the client equipment of the RDW Computers brand and ROSA OS. This fact was confirmed by compatibility certificates signed by both parties.

We are not just watching from the outside the technological growth of Russia. In fact, we and our partners are setting this growth ourselves. Our priority is to ensure the digital sovereignty of the country. To do this, you need to replace entire segments of the IT infrastructure. And how competently our new solutions will be integrated into this infrastructure and how we will carry out the migration procedure, and the efficiency and security of government agencies, business, our customers and our entire country will depend on, "said Sergey Akopov, vice president of RDW Technology.

The compatibility of equipment from the RDW Computers brand with the ROSA operating system provides our customers with confidence in the use of Russian technologies, regardless of foreign developers, and supports the continuity of business processes, "said Vyacheslav Kadomsky, Director of Strategic Development at ROSA.