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RDW Computers RDW - Russian Device Wise - RDV Computers Reasonable Russian RDV devices Technology


Information Technology
Since 2007
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
109443, Volgogradsky Ave., 145/8, floor 1, room IV, room 1, office 28



2022: Participation in the TAdviser conference "Import substitution 2022: a new experience"

RDW Technology will take part in the TAdviser conference "Import Substitution 2022: A New Experience." Within its framework, Commercial Director of RDW Technology Maxim Ostroumov will make a presentation on the topic "RDW Computers Registry Equipment. We join forces within the framework of import substitution. "

The report will touch upon the aspects of technological support for sovereignty, which has become a vector of development of the Russian economy and has acquired the status of a global trend. We will talk about our own experience in certifying RDW Technology products Unified Register of RAP Ministry of Industry and Trade in and how to achieve compliance state. The report will assess the basic reasons that prevent the Russian manufacturer from becoming more successful.

The report is based on the real production experience of the Russian manufacturer of computer equipment and server equipment RDW Technology. From the position of the manufacturer of computer equipment, Maxim Ostroumov will connect the "point system" with the tasks of the company as part of import substitution. He will appreciate how much in today's realities of the economy such a system will facilitate or complicate the life of a Russian manufacturer. And although this opinion will have a subjective point of view, the audience will definitely find professional communities in it.


Areas of activity

According to information as of October 2015, RDW Computers is a developing Russian computer manufacturer since 2007. RDW Computers manufactures under its own brand name personal computers, graphics and workstations, all-in-ones, servers, storage systems for government and commercial customers. From the very beginning, the company took a course towards the production of high-quality equipment.

Specialists RDW Computers:

  • develop serial and individual engineering solutions for the customer,
  • equipment is tested for compatibility of components,
  • serviceability of equipment with peripheral devices is investigated.

Research Centre

RDW Computers has a Research Center that monitors and analyzes information on the release of new IT developments, products, suppliers. For the business task of the client, the company is ready to offer several alternative options, which will allow you to choose the optimal solution. As of October 2015, the problem of import substitution of equipment remains relevant.

Products offered

Logo in 2015

According to information as of October 2015, RDW Computers offers products produced domestically, which, having saved the customer from problems with sanctions, will also provide the optimal budget. Developments by Intel, Supermicro, Asus, Gigabyte, Microsoft and other component manufacturers allow you to test and assemble a full-fledged analogue for the customer even of the most complex "branded" computer and server equipment.

The company is aimed at long and fruitful work with the customer. RDW Computers guarantees technical support and the possibility of free repairs under the product warranty. The high quality of the company's products was appreciated by consumers in 150 regions Russia and. countries CIS Clearly working logistics allows you to deliver the order as quickly as possible anywhere in our vast country.

Check for compliance of QMS with ISO 9001:2008 standard

RDW Computers has been tested for compliance with the quality management system in accordance with the requirements of the International Standard ISO 9001:2008 for the production of PC system units. 70% of the company's specialists have professional certificates from leading global and Russian manufacturers of components and software. Knowledge of specialists in the field of new developments and technologies is constantly updated in systematic internal and external trainings.