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Баннер в шапке 2

1C: Medicine. Dietary power supply

The name of the base system (platform): 1C: Medicine
Developers: Kaptain agency
Last Release Date: May, 2012
Branches: Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care
Technology: Medical information system


Software product "1C: Medicine. A dietary power supply" it is intended for nutritional, technology and accounting of products and power management in medical and improving institutions, adult and children's. The program supports multi-user work in the local area network or via the Internet including via web browsers.

"1C: Medicine. A dietary power supply" is joint development of 1C Company and Kaptain Agency LLC company. The exclusive rights to the Dietary Power Supply configuration belong to 1C Company.

The program is addressed:

  • to diyetsestra,
  • to the dietitian
  • to the accountant,
  • to the storekeeper,
  • to the production manager of the dining room (chef).

2019: Testing with a monitoring system of the movement of medicines

The Center of Development of Perspective Technologies (CDPT) and 1C Company announced on February 4, 2019 conducting joint testing of upgraded versions of software products "1C: Retail. Drugstore", "1C: Management of pharmacy chain" and products of the line "1C: Medicine" with support of an information system of monitoring of the movement of medicines (ICs MDLP). Read more here.


Main functionality of the program

  • Maintaining nomenclature of diets and standard cyclic menus;
  • Maintaining a card file of dishes with regulations of a tab of products, the description of technology of preparation, data on nutrition value. The description of structure of products of a dish includes the following data: net, gross, withdrawal of cold processing, loss at culinary processing, the mass of products after culinary processing, structure of technology processes;
  • Maintaining nomenclature of products. On each product are conducted: withdrawal regulations at cold processing, data on nutrition value, specifications;
  • Conducting enrollment of characteristics of nutrition value of variable structure;
  • Development of compoundings of dishes and standard menus;
  • Calculation of the order of products to the supplier, including electronic application through the unloaded file;
  • Accounting of products in warehouses: arrival, expense, movements of Inventories, remaining balance, inventory;
  • Separation of accounting by types of cash flow (financing sources);
  • On batches of products data on storage lives, sanitary certificates, specific units of measure (banks, long loafs, etc.) are kept;
  • Calculation: drawing up and calculation of "Menu layout" and "Menu requirement", the basic and on addition/return, taking into account regulations of withdrawal of cold processing, replacements of products and dishes, test. The automated write-off of products and calculation of cost of a power supply. Additional order of products;
  • Braking of ready dishes with registration of estimates and printout of loose leaves of the certification magazine;
  • Control of the actual diet at the cost and nutrition value.
  • The configuration is completely open, does not contain the protected code locations and does not use hardware protection.

Additional functionality

  • Unloading of documents on the movement of products in the system of accounting using the mechanism of converting of data); unloading of these "Menus requirements" in the external file for delivery in the centralized accounting;
  • Calculation of regulations of withdrawal of cold processing with execution of "The act of study";
  • Possibility of loading of compoundings, standard menus, products and data of nutrition value from external sources (from the XML file in the Retsepturnik format);
  • Maintaining calendar of the standard menu;
  • Unloading/data loading in the XML format;
  • Calculation of characteristics of nutrition value of dishes for products;
  • Runtime dynamic linking of external reports and processings.

Output forms according to the order of Ministry of Health No. 330

  • Menu layout (form 44-MZ);
  • Card layout (form 1-85);
  • Requirement of form (45-MZ).

Other output forms

  • The sheet of the analysis of the used set of products SanPiN;
  • Sheet of control of a food allowance (f.6 enc. 10 SanPiN of 2409-08);
  • Sheet of the analysis of cost;
  • Magazine of braking of finished culinary products (SanPiN of 2409-08);
  • Inventory register (OKUD 0504087 and 0504801);
  • Inventory register INV3 (OKUD 0317004);
  • Calculation OP1 card (OKUD 0903102);
  • Card of accounting of material values (OKUD 0504206);
  • Card of quantitative and amount-based accounting Bidding-28 (OKUD 0330228);
  • The menu (for consumers);
  • Menu requirement (OKUD 0504202);
  • Laid on OP-4 (OKUD 0330504);
  • Delivery note on internal transfer of Torg13 (OKUD 0330213);
  • Delivery note Bidding-12 (OKUD 0330212);
  • Accumulative sheet of an expense of products (dietology);
  • "Turnover balance sheet" on material values;
  • Price list of dishes;
  • "The approximate menu and nutrition value of the prepared dishes" (Application 2 to the SanPiN;
  • Data on nutrition value (products and dishes);
  • The report on nutrition value of a diet;
  • Certificate of the movement of a product for the period;
  • The process chart (Application 5 to the SanPiN;
  • Process chart (traditional form);
  • Commodity-transport delivery note 1-T (OKUD 0345009);
  • The requirement to the storeroom of OP-3 (OKUD 0330503);
  • Write-off order of M11 (OKUD 0313006).

The program is delivered with already completed reference books of products and nutrition value.

Interaction with other programs

Means of unloading of data for the configurations "Budget Institution Accounting", "Accounting of Autonomous Organization" are included in the Dietary Power Supply configuration, in the subsequent editions means of unloading will be included in other standard configurations for accounting.

Advantages of use of solutions on the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform

The application solutions developed on the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform are distinguished by the ergonomic interface, the developed construction tools of the analytical reporting, essentially new opportunities of the analysis and information search, high scalability and performance, modern approaches to integration, convenience of administration of a system.

System"1C: Enterprise 8.2" implements work of users via the Internet in regime of the web client using the Internet browser running operating systems Windows or Linux, including on mobile communication channels (GPRS).

1C: Enterprise 8.2 supports work with different DBMS - the file mode, the Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2, Oracle Database.

The 1C: Enterprise 8.2 server can function both in the environment of Microsoft Windows, and in the environment of Linux. It provides at implementation a possibility of the choice of architecture at which a system, and a possibility of use of open source software for operation of the server and the database will work.

1C: Enterprise 8.2 supports a possibility of setup of the application solution for reflection of specifics of work of specific organization:

  • using the mechanism of functional options using which fast setup of a system at implementation is performed, without change of the application solution,
  • using the start mode Configurator which provides visual development tools, designers and other mechanisms for change of the application solution.

Integration of the software product "1C: Medicine. A dietary power supply" with a medical information system "TM: MIS"

Certificate "Compatibly! The system of programs 1C: Enterprise" received at the beginning of 2012 the software product "Integration of the software product "1C:Medicine. A dietary power supply' with a medical information system "TM: MIS' (SofTrust) LLC, developed and replicated by Business International Group LLC company and provided on certification as the set of service reports and processings developed in the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 environment in the mode of managed application.

Product "Integration of the software product "1C: Medicine. A dietary power supply' with a medical information system of TM: MIS (SofTrust LLC)" it is held for use medical institutions, allows to perform data loading by quantity of the planned diets by departments and patients from medical an information system "TM: MIS" and unloading of data on structure of diets from the program "1C: Medicine. A dietary power supply" in files of the *.xml format for synchronization of data in these software products.

The configuration is used together with "1C: Medicine. A dietary power supply" according to the frequency set by regulations of information exchange.

The configuration is not independent, it is necessary to have the set configuration for its work "1C: Medicine. Dietary power supply", editions and 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platforms release not lower than 8.2.14.

The product is delivered with the open code and has no fragments which are not subject to change by the user.