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1C:Enterprise 8. Publishing house

The name of the base system (platform): 1C: Our Enterprise Management 8 (1S: UNF)
Developers: Armex of CIT (Armex)
Last Release Date: 2016
Branches: Polygraphic activity,  media, TV and broadcasting
Technology: ERP


Industry solution "1C: The publishing house" is intended for automation of management accounting at the enterprises in the field of publishing. The software product allows to automate all document flow of publishing house – from edition cost accounting before issue of the edition and settlings with authors.

2011: 1C: Publishing house, edition 1.3

The configuration Publishing house is developed based on the standard configuration "Management of Small Firm" of an edition 1.3 systems of the programs "1C:Enterprise 8" with preserving of all opportunities and mechanisms of this standard solution.

For the enterprises which need maintaining the general archive of documents of publishing, the product "1C:Enterprise 8 is offered. Publishing house and Dokumentoborot" which gives following features:

  • conducting document flow of author's agreements
  • storage system of models on editions
  • online access to documents taking into account user rights,
  • registration of the entering and outgoing documents,
  • viewing and editing documents,
  • control of document revisions,
  • full-text search for documents according to their contents,
  • collective work of users with a possibility of approval, statement and control of execution of documents.

For automation of joint activity of publishing houses and publishing houses which part printing houses are for automation of a full production cycle it is recommended to share industry solutions "1C:Enterprise 8. Publishing house" and "1C:Enterprise 8. Polygraphy".

Product "1C: Polygraphy 8" it is developed based on 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 and is the complete solution of an ERP class covering the main guidance loops and accounting which allows to organize the unified information system for management of different aspects of activity of the polygraphic enterprise:

  • Possibility of regulation of cost of production operations by the equipment, circulation, a format, beauty, free parameters of a printed material;
  • Automatic calculation of cost, technical losses and press preparation for printing of transactions;
  • Calculation of planned amount of materials by request (papers, films, paints, other materials);
  • Calculation of slozhnosostavny orders;
  • Possibility of planning of accomplishment of polygraphic orders, taking into account the diagram of loading of the equipment, equipment downtimes;
  • Reflection of the fact of accomplishment of polygraphic orders;
  • Expanded analysis of cost value of release of polygraphy.

2015: 1C: Publishing house, edition 1.5

Software product "1C: Publishing house" it is intended for automation of the enterprises working in the field of publishing. The software product allows to automate all document flow of publishing house, from predesign of cost value of the edition, before issue of the edition and settlings with authors.

Main functionality of the program:

  • Management of the nomenclature of editions, according to characteristics;
  • Pricing of materials and products;
  • Calculation of awards;
  • Planned cost calculation of the edition taking into account the used materials;
  • Analysis of actual cost of the edition;
  • Calculation of selling prices and analysis of profitability of issue of this or that edition;
  • Order management on editions;
  • Accounting of editorial works;
  • Calculation of the price-work salary in publishing house;
  • Accounting of advertizing orders in editions;
  • Settlement with authors;
  • Settlement with buyers and suppliers;
  • Cash management;
  • Package formation of documents;
  • Data exchange with "1C: Polygraphy 8";
  • Maintaining the general archive of documents of publishing house with "1C: Dokumentoborot 8";
  • Data exchange for conducting accounting and tax accounting with 1C: Accounting 8.

The configuration Publishing house is developed based on the standard configuration "Management of Small Firm" of edition 1. 5, it is necessary to have the set 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform for its work.

The software product is protected and contains the code fragments which are not subject to change by the user, has protection against unauthorized use. At the same time the principle of the maximum openness of the code for a possibility of adaptation of a product under needs of end users is implemented.

2015: 1C: Publishing house, edition 1.6

Main industry functionality of the program:

  • Management of the nomenclature of editions by a type and type, beauty, edition, a signature stamp, ISBN works. Accounting of volume of editions in author's sheets, in publisher's signatures, in physical printed pages and in conditionally printed pages.
  • Accounting of works with authors by author's agreements and automatic calculation of awards.
  • Planned cost calculation of the edition taking into account the used materials, the analysis of all-publishing costs according to the edition.
  • Analysis of actual cost of the edition. Calculation of selling prices and analysis of profitability of issue of this or that edition.
  • Order management on editions taking into account completeness of the edition.
  • Accounting of editorial works: job entry for editorial works and reflection of the fact of their accomplishment, planning and the analysis of employment of the employee.
  • Calculation of the price-work salary in publishing house, proceeding from actually executed amount of works.
  • Accounting of advertizing orders in editions and the analysis of advertizing activity.
  • The general archive of documents of publishing house with 1C: Document Flow.
  • Data exchange with 1C: Accounting, "1C: Polygraphy".

The configuration Publishing house is developed on the basis of the standard configuration "Management of Small Firm", an edition 1.6 systems of the programs "1C:Enterprise 8" with preserving of all main opportunities and mechanisms of this standard solution.