The name of the base system (platform): | 1C: Enterprise 8.2 |
Developers: | KT: Alcohol (Computer technologies 2000) |
Last Release Date: | May, 2015 |
Branches: | Food industry |
Technology: | ERP |
1C Company together with the company "KT: Alcohol" (Kompyyuternye tekhnologii 2000 LLC) informs users and partners on release of new industry solution based on a technology platform "1C: Enterprise 8.2 - "1C:Enterprise 8. Spirit production" intended for control automation and accounting of activities of distilleries and divisions for production of alcohol as a part of large alcoholic beverage complexes.
The Spirit Production configuration is developed based on the standard configuration "Management of Manufacturing Enterprise" of an edition 1.3 systems of the programs "1C:Enterprise 8" with preserving of all opportunities and mechanisms of this standard solution.
In the solution requirements of the Federal law of November 22, 1995 No. 171-FZ "About state regulation of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products", government decrees, orders of the Federal Tax Service are considered.
When developing the software product experience of implementation at such enterprises as JSC Tambov Distillery Enterprise TALVIS, JSC Itkulsky Distillery, JSC Sinergiya, Ardymsky Distillery LLC, Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rosspirtprom (Federal State Unitary Enterprise), RIAL Corporation LLC and others is considered.
Description of functionality of the software product
"1C:Enterprise 8. Spirit production" includes functional subsystems:
- Accounting of alcohol according to the instruction for acceptance, storage, a holiday, transportation and accounting of ethyl alcohol (utv. Food Industry Ministry of the USSR on September 25, 1985);
- Regulation and control of losses;
- Control of use of ethyl alcohol at the manufacturing enterprises of alcoholic products.
The subsystem of accounting of alcohol allows:
- Keep alcohol development account;
- Print procedural form No. P-18;
- Store the reference information about spirtokhranilishcha with indication of storage location type;
- Keep account of stations of the movement of alcohol in a binding to unloading points;
- Keep account of types of tanks;
- Keep account of control spirtoizmeryayushchy devices;
- Store the nomenclature by types of alcohol;
- Keep account of receipt of alcohol from suppliers;
- Print the regulated form No. P-24;
- Keep account of movement of alcohol on spirtokhranilishcha in the enterprise;
- Keep alcohol implementation account to buyers;
- Keep account of write-off of alcohol in production;
- Print procedural form No. P-23;
- Print procedural form No. P-29;
- Document alcohol transportation by the motor transport;
- Carry out acts of shortage of the alcohol transported motor transport;
- Print a procedural form procedural form No. P-26;
- Document alcohol transportation by rail;
- Carry out calculation of safety or shortage of the alcohol transported railway transport;
- Draw up sampling reports from the arrived railway tank;
- Print procedural form No. P-25;
- Fix results of inventory of alcohol;
- Print procedural form No. P-27;
- Fix inspection reports of the equipment including:
- Truboprovodov
- Fittings of a spirtokhranilishch;
- Make calculations of amount of waterless alcohol on the basis of alcohol measurings;
- Make calculations of cubic dilatation on the basis of alcohol measurings;
- Make calculations of fortress on the basis of alcohol measurings;
- Keep account of acceptance delivery of tests of alcohol;
- Create Annex 17 to the Instruction for acceptance and storage;
- Reflect transactions with alcohol in the general accounting;
- Receive the reporting under a remaining balance and turnovers of alcohol in tanks;
- Print procedural form No. P-22;
- Receive the reporting under a remaining balance and turnovers of alcohol in spirtokhranilishcha;
- Print procedural form No. P-20;
- Receive the reporting under accounting of tests of alcohol.
The subsystem of regulation and control of alcohol allows:
- Control onto losses of alcohol by types:
- Temporary losses (natural losses);
- Enter the document Goods write-off on the basis of the document Calculation of Regulations of Natural Losses;
- Operational losses, including:
- Transportation,
- Transfer,
- Modulation itd.
- Store standards of losses and natural losses of alcohol;
- Create, store and use own unique calculation formulas of losses;
- Create, store and use:
- Transaction types of accounting of losses and natural losses of alcohol,
- Indicators of calculation of accounting of losses and natural losses of alcohol;
- Types of calculation of accounting of losses and natural losses of alcohol;
- Make calculation of regulations of natural losses of alcohol;
- Carry out the plan-fact analysis of the considered losses with normative indicators.
- Create the report on losses and natural losses of alcohol, including on alcohol batches.
The subsystem of control of use of ethyl alcohol at the manufacturing enterprises of alcoholic products allows:
- Monitor use of alcohol in production of alcoholic products;
- Create "Acts of control check of use of alcohol on production of vodka";
- Create information card of the organization;
- Print Application 8;
- Create a card of result of quality check;
- Print Application 7;
- Create reports:
- Certificate of the movement of ethyl alcohol;
- Certificate of the movement of finished goods;
- The certificate of the movement of special brands (for products with a strength more than 28% about.);
- Certificate of the movement of bottles (container);
- The certificate of a consumption of ethyl alcohol in production of alcoholic products.
Management of finance
The management subsystem is focused by finance on complete solution of problems of planning, control and accounting of income and expenses, it allows the enterprise to use effectively own means and the involved investments, to increase controllability of business in general. The implemented mechanisms optimize the applied financial instruments, doing a company performance transparent for internal and external audit, increase investment attractiveness of business.
Functionality of a subsystem provides the solution of a wide range of tasks of financial service, planned and economic departments, accounting.
The subsystem implements the following functions:
- planning of activity and resources of the enterprise for any period by scenarios, the centers of the financial responsibility (CFR), projects, residual and turnover indicators, additional analytics (the nomenclature, partners, and so forth);
- monitoring of the actual execution in cuts of the executed planning;
- drawing up summary reporting under results of monitoring;
- financial analysis;
- availability analysis of money;
- variance analysis of planned and actual data.
Cash management
The subsystem of treasury contains the functions necessary for effective management of cash flow, control over the made payments:
- multi-currency accounting of the movement and balances in cash;
- registration of planned receipts and funds expenditures;
- reservation of money under the forthcoming payments on checking accounts and in cash desks;
- placement of money in the expected incoming payments;
- formation of the payment schedule;
- execution of all necessary primary documents;
- integration with the systems "client of bank";
- possibility of diversity (manual or automatic) the amounts of the payment document under several agreements and transactions.
Management of settlement
The management subsystem is used by settlement in financial, supplying and sales structures of the enterprise, allowing to optimize financial risks of the enterprise and the need for working capital.
Change in time of the predicted (postponed) and actual debt is analyzed. The postponed debt arises at reflection in the system of such events as the purchase order or transfer on the commission of inventory items, the request for receiving money and other similar. The actual debt is connected with transactions of calculation and the moments of assignment of rights of property.
Basic purpose of a subsystem of settlement:
- fixing of emergence of debt of the partner to the company and the companies before the partner;
- accounting of origins of debt;
- support of different techniques of accounting of debt (under agreements, transactions, on separate economic transactions);
- analysis of a current status of debt and history of its change.
Accounting is kept according to the Russian legislation on all sections of accounting, including:
- accounting of material values;
- operations on bank and cash desk;
- currency transactions;
- settlings with advance holders;
- settlings with personnel on compensation;
- calculations with the budget.
Accounting in uniform information base for several legal entities is supported. For consolidation of data of geographically distributed structures - the filial organizations and groups the configuration can be used together with the solution "1C: Consolidation".
High extent of automation of formation of accounting entries is predetermined by the description of primary documents, ready to use, by types of economic transactions.
The quality of accounting is controlled by the specialized report "The analysis of a status of accounting" allowing to control difficult transactions and to quickly define places of emergence (to the document) undesirable deviations.
The relevance of forms of the regulated reporting is maintained by a possibility of automatic update via the Internet.
Tax accounting
Tax accounting for income tax in a configuration is kept irrespective of accounting. Economic transactions are reflected in parallel in accounting and tax accounting. The basis of conducting accounting and tax accounting is formed by the separated Charts of accounts having "mirror" coding. For the purposes of accounting and tax accounting use of independent methods of assessment of inventory stocks at write-off, depreciation calculation methods, etc. is admissible. The quality of conducting tax accounting is controlled by the report "The analysis of a status of tax accounting for income tax" that allows to control in an evident form values tax a component (WELL, BP, PR), interpretation of data is given in specialized reports. Formation of the Declaration on income tax is provided.
Accounting on a value added tax (VAT) is implemented according to requirements of Chapter 21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, maintaining the "difficult" VAT in the conditions of application of different VAT rates (0%, 10%, 18%, excluding VAT), the separate activity-based accounting is supported. The Purchase ledger and the Sales ledger form.
All forms of declarations on other taxes (a transport tax, the property tax, etc.) and statistical reporting forms are provided to configurations for filling.
Accounting according to international standards
The subsystem includes the separate Chart of accounts according to IFRS which can be configured by the user, and provides:
- broadcast (transfer) of the most part of accounts (postings) from a subsystem of financial accounting (RAS) by rules which can flexibly be configured by the user;
- parallel accounting according to the Russian and international standards on those sections where differences between the Russian standards and requirements of IFRS are essential (for example, fixed asset accounting, intangible assets);
- carrying out own regulatory documents (for example, charge of expenses, accounting of reserves, accounting of asset impairment and some other) and also introduction of the adjusting records in the "manual" mode.
Possibilities of a subsystem allow:
- minimize labor input of accounting according to IFRS due to use of data of the Russian accounting;
- carry out comparison of data of the Russian accounting and accounting according to IFRS, facilitating reconciliation of data before preparation of the reporting under IFRS.
The subsystem can be also configured for accounting and a financial reporting preparation according to foreign standards, including US GAAP.
Personnel management
Staff of personnel department, department of job management and employment and accounting can use a management subsystem personnel in a common information space for daily work.
The subsystem is intended for information support of the HR policy of the company and automation of settlings with personnel. Among subsystem opportunities:
- requirements planning in personnel;
- maintaining staff list of the organization;
- planning of employment and vacation schedule of workers;
- solving of tasks of ensuring business by the personnel - selection, questioning and assessment;
- personnel records and analysis of personnel structure;
- analysis of level and reasons of a staff turnover;
- conducting the regulated document flow;
- payroll of employees of the enterprise;
- automatic calculation of the charges regulated by the legislation, deduction and taxes;
- automatic calculation of unified social tax and insurance premiums for mandatory pension insurance.
On the saved-up data on employees it is possible to construct various reports: lists of workers, analysis of personnel structure, reports on holidays (vacation schedules, use of holidays and execution of the vacation schedule), etc.
The subsystem of the regulated personnel document flow allows to automate personnel transactions according to the existing regulating documents:
- the conclusion and maintaining employment contracts with each employee of the organization;
- formation of the approved forms on work;
- the personified accounting for RPF;
- conducting military accounting.
Payroll calculation
Important aspect of business management is creation of a system of the motivation of workers focused on increase in volume of the products which are turned out with the proper quality level providing interest of personnel in advanced training. For strategy implementation of motivation of personnel it is often used tariff and price-work wage systems, the payroll calculation subsystem is intended for exact calculation of charges according to the adopted rules.
The subsystem allows to automate all complex of settlings with personnel, beginning from input of documents on the actual development, payment of sick leave notes and holidays, up to formation of documents for salary payment and reportings in the state supervisory authorities.
Results of payroll are reflected in managerial, accounting, tax accounting with necessary extent of detailing:
- reflection of results of calculation of managerial salary in management accounting;
- reflection of results of calculation of the regulated salary in accounting;
- reflection of results of calculation of the regulated salary as the costs accepted to accounting for the purposes of calculation of income tax (single tax). Reflection of results of calculation of the regulated salary for the purposes of calculation of UST.
Management of industrial production
One of the most productive methods of cost reduction in production is creation and optimization of the production schedule of products. It allows the enterprise to reduce the level of equipment downtime and highly qualified specialists, to reduce terms of accomplishment of orders, to avoid frustrations of the plan of sales because of an overload of production resources, to optimize movements of materials and stock balance, to make a production process transparent and managed.
The management subsystem is intended by production for planning of production processes and material flows in production, reflections of processes of productive activity of the enterprise and creation of a normative production management system.
Functionality of a subsystem can be used by the staff of economical department, production workshops, production and dispatching department and other production divisions.
The mechanisms of production planning implemented in a subsystem Production management provide:
- scenario planning for development of different options of strategy of production or accounting of possible changes in conditions of activity of the enterprise;
- the sliding planning expanding planning horizon in process of approach of the next planning periods;
- project production planning;
- fixing of the planned data from change (according to scenarios and the periods);
- integration with a budgeting subsystem.
Production planning
The subsystem is intended for mid-term and long-term planning of production and resource requirement and also for carrying out the plan-fact analysis of execution of production schedules. At production planning the possibility of accounting of many parameters, control of feasibility and tracking of accomplishment of the plan at different stages in several cuts at the same time is provided:
- on divisions and managers;
- on projects and subprojects;
- on key resources;
- on nomenclature groups and separate nomenclature units.
Formation of the enlarged production schedule
- On the basis of the sales plans created in a subsystem Sales management formation of expected production volumes by nomenclature groups is exercised (and, if necessary, separate positions of the nomenclature).
- Identification of differences between the enlarged and specified plans, a packet of the planned planned daily tasks, data of actual production is carried out.
- Formation of tasks for production, control of their execution and assessment of lag of production is exercised.
Resource requirement planning
- Formation of tables of consumption and availability of the main (key) types of resources by production of nomenclature groups and separate types of the nomenclature is possible.
- Control of the enlarged production schedule on compliance to the limiting factors, for example, of summary availability of the main (key) types of resources is exercised.
- Account of availability of key resources is kept.
Shift planning of production
The subsystem is intended for production planning in the short-term period by separate nomenclature positions and also for carrying out the plan-fact analysis of execution of production schedules by production and dispatching department. In this subsystem the detail schedule of production by turns and consumption forms, the assessment of its feasibility taking into account the planned loading of resources is carried out:
- planning taking into account availability of capacities in subperiods of planning and changes of summary duration of operations on a technology tree. In case of insufficiency of capacities in subperiods transfer of the planned transactions during subperiods with available free capacities is performed;
- formation of the detail schedule of production and transactions;
- planning "over" the existing production schedules and transactions or complete replanning;
- possibility of planning of transactions for territorially remote divisions;
- planning taking into account transportation time between warehouses and divisions.
Formation of the production schedule by turns
- Formation of the production schedule specified to separate nomenclature positions with calculation of exact terms of production.
- Determination of discontinuity points of procedures of explosion in a technology tree of production for all products planned in the "assembly to order" mode.
- Formation of the diagram of utilization of capacity and need of production for raw materials and component parts.
- Formation of the diagram of final assembly with refining of terms of production.
Determination of available capacities
- Maintaining list of work centers and technology transactions.
- Support of calendars of availability of separate work centers and input of resource availability according to these calendars.
- Consolidation of work centers in groups with a task of priorities for planning.
- Calculation of loading of work centers during determination of the diagram of materials requirements.
Execution control
- Formation of the scheduled plan of requirements of production.
- Formation of tasks for production, planned daily tasks.
- Plan-fact analysis of course of production, control and variance analysis.
Product data management
Regulation of structure of products allows to control write-off of materials in production (limit and intaking cards), to plan product cost, to analyze discrepancies between planned and actual cost and to establish their reasons.
The task of the route (technology) chart allows to plan a chain of production of multirange products, at each stage estimating its feasibility taking into account loading of the equipment and availability of resources, necessary for production.
Functionality of a subsystem can be used by the chief engineer and employees working in departments of the chief designer and chief technologist.
Within production management function of accounting of standard costs of materials by production and variance analysis from regulations is implemented. Regulations of material consumption are put in the specification of production of products.
The normative structure of products is used:
- at variance analysis from regulations for quality control of products;
- for cost accounting - as an allocation base of indirect costs.
For the purposes of replaceable planning all technology process can be presented in the form of set of the sequences of transactions. Such set sets the route chart of production of products. Each transaction can be characterized by the set of material requirements on an input and a set of products at the exit.
Cost management and cost accounting
The management subsystem is intended by costs for accounting of actual costs of the enterprise and cost accounting of products.
Basic functions of a subsystem:
- accounting of actual costs of reporting period in necessary cuts in cost and natural measurement;
- operational quantitative material accounting in work in progress (WIP);
- accounting of the actual remaining balance of a WIP by the end of the reporting period;
- accounting of production scrap and in warehouses;
- calculation of actual cost of release for the period the main and collateral products (semi-finished products, defects) - incomplete and complete production cost value and the actual complete cost of sales of products, including production cost accounting at processors;
- release cost accounting within a month according to documents of release - on direct costs or at planned cost;
- raw materials supplied by the customer processing accounting;
- calculation of actual cost of a remaining balance of a WIP by the end of the reporting period;
- providing these (reports) on a cost value formation order;
- providing data on structure of cost value of release for assessment of deviations from the set standards.
Management of fixed assets
The subsystem allows to automate all standard transactions of fixed asset accounting:
- acceptance to accounting;
- state change;
- depreciation;
- change of parameters and methods of reflection of costs on depreciation;
- accounting of the actual development of fixed assets;
- complete set and disassembling, movement, upgrade, write-off and sale of OS.
The broad spectrum of methods of calculation of depreciation is supported. The subsystem allows to obtain detailed information on a status of fixed assets, to analyze degree of their wear and to monitor execution of works on hardware maintenance.
Sales management
Application of a subsystem by the commercial director, the staff of sales office and warehouse workers will allow to increase efficiency of their activity.
The management subsystem provides with sales end-to-end automation of sales process of products and goods at manufacturing enterprise, in wholesale and retail trade. The subsystem includes means of planning and control of sales, allows to solve problems of order management of buyers. Different schemes of sale of products and goods - from a warehouse and under the order, credit sale or on prepayment, sales of goods, accepted on the commission, transfer on implementation to the commission agent, etc. are supported.
The subsystem is intended for planning:
- sales volumes in natural and value term, including on the basis of data on sales for previous periods, information on the current stock balance and the orders of buyers received for planning period;
- selling prices, including on the basis of information on the current prices of the company and competitors;
- costs of sales, taking into account the price information of suppliers, planned or actual cost of products for a certain period.
Sales planning can be conducted both on the enterprise in general, and on divisions or groups of divisions, for separate goods and commodity groups, for certain buyer categories (on regions, on types of activity, etc.). The subsystem provides consolidation of separate plans in the consolidating plan of sales of the enterprise.
For control of accomplishment of the developed plans the developed means of contrastive analysis of data on the planned and actual sales are provided in a system.
Planning can be conducted with temporary detailing from day to one year that allows:
- pass from strategic plans to operational, saving at the same time information on the indicators set at each stage of planning;
- conduct planning both taking into account, and without seasonal fluctuations of demand.
The functionality of order management implemented in a system allows to place optimum orders of buyers and to reflect them in the production program according to adopted in the company by the strategy of execution of orders and schemes of work (work from a warehouse, under the order).
All stages of passing of the order and its adjustment are fixed in a system by the relevant documents. The manager can at any time:
- obtain the complete information about the order fulfillment course;
- trace history of customer relations and suppliers;
- estimate efficiency and reliability of work with partners.
Using the analytical reports which are built in the program, the manager can obtain information on payment of orders of buyers, on order placement in production and the course of their accomplishment, about distribution of supplier orders for providing orders of buyers.
Mechanisms of pricing allow the commercial director and the head of sales department to define and implement price policy of the enterprise according to the available analytical demand data and the offer in the market.
Main functionality of a subsystem:
- creation of different schemes of pricing and discounts;
- formation of selling prices taking into account the planned cost of products and profit margin;
- control of observance by the staff of the enterprise of the set price policy;
- information storage about the prices of competitors;
- information storage about the prices of suppliers, automatic update of purchase prices;
- comparison of selling prices of the enterprise to the prices of suppliers and competitors.
Purchase management
For ensuring quality of the made products, ensuring continuous supply of production with materials and accomplishment of orders according to the planned terms without exceeding of planned cost, an important task is effective management of purchases of Inventories.
The subsystem provides the managers who are responsible for supply, information necessary for timely decision making about replenishment action of Inventories for cutting of costs for purchases and the accurate organization of vendor interaction.
Among opportunities which are given by a subsystem:
- operational planning of purchases on the basis of sales plans, production schedules and not performed orders of buyers;
- order placement to suppliers and control of their execution;
- registration and the analysis of accomplishment of additional conditions under agreements with the fixed nomenclature positions, volumes and delivery time;
- support of different schemes of acceptance of goods from suppliers, including acceptance on implementation and receiving raw materials supplied by the customer and materials;
- design of non-invoiced deliveries using warehouse orders;
- requirements analysis of a warehouse and production in goods, finished goods and materials;
- the end-to-end analysis and installation of interrelations between customer orders and supplier orders;
- the analysis of effects to which can lead failure to follow orders by suppliers (to what failure of the client order the underdelivery of goods or materials can lead);
- purchase planning taking into account the predicted level of warehouse stocks and the reserved Inventories in warehouses;
- selection of optimal suppliers of goods on their reliability, the history of deliveries, criteria of urgency of execution of orders, offered delivery conditions, territorial or to other any signs and automatic formation of orders for them;
- drawing up delivery schedules and payment schedules.
Management of a warehouse (stocks)
Use of a management subsystem a warehouse (stocks) allows to organize effectively warehouse economy and to increase labor productivity of warehouse workers, staff of supplying and sales structures and also provides the operational and unrolled information to the commercial director of the enterprise.
In a system detailed operational accounting of materials, products and goods in warehouses is implemented, full control of stocks of Inventories at the enterprise is provided. All warehouse transactions are fixed using the relevant documents. The subsystem allows:
- exercise control of a remaining balance of Inventories in different units of measure in a set of warehouses;
- keep separate account of own goods, the goods accepted and transferred to implementation, a returnable container;
- exercise control and accounting of serial numbers, expiration dates and certificates;
- control correctness of write-off of serial numbers and goods with certain expiration dates and certificates;
- set any characteristics of a batch (color, the size, etc.) and to keep lot-based account by warehouses;
- consider a SCD and the country of origin;
- complete and razukomplektovyvat Inventories;
- perform functions of order accounting and reservation of Inventories.
Information on a status of warehouse stocks in any analytical cuts with high detailing is available: to the level of characteristics of goods (color, the size, dimensions, etc.), or to the level of serial numbers and expiration dates of goods. The possibility of receiving cost estimates of warehouse stocks at cost and potential sales volume in selling prices is provided.
Control of motor transport
The subsystem Management of motor transport which is light version of 1C: Motor Vehicle Management - joint development of 1C and 1C-Rarus companies, has the following functionality:
- statement and processing of waybills of the truck time (Form No. 4-P) and price-work (Form No. 4-C).
- calculation of normative and actual fuel consumption;
- calculation of development in waybills by different parameters.
If users will need to keep more expanded account of work of vehicle fleet, it is necessary to purchase the joint solution "1C: Motor Vehicle Management" in which the following additional features of accounting are implemented:
- execution of preorders on transportation;
- formation of the daily order and route sheets;
- use of the mode of the package statement of waybills;
- work with waybills of cars and individual entrepreneurs and special equipment;
- calculation of consumption rate of fuel taking into account seasonal allowances and working conditions;
- accounting of repairs;
- planning technical service of the equipment;
- the cost accounting in different cuts of analytics;
- accounting of work of drivers and to charge salary according to waybills and repair sheets;
- road accident accounting;
- accounting of validity period of documents of drivers and cars;
- formation of more expanded analytical reporting;
- data loading of processing centers on fuel and lubricants gas stations.
The 1C: Motor Vehicle Management configuration very easily and technologically integrates in uniform information base with a configuration Meat-processing plant. The integrated configuration remains on support of two suppliers: companies "uspekha Algoritm" and 1C-Rarus companies. At consolidation all succession of objects of a subsystem Management of motor transport remains.
Management of retail and connection of trade
For the manufacturing enterprises having own shops and retail outlets abilities to manage by retail are provided in a configuration. Retail can be performed from any of warehouses - wholesale, retail or non-automated outlet. Account of goods in non-automated outlets is kept at the fixed retail prices. The connectivity of a retail store equipment is implemented: scanners, data collection terminals, displays of the buyer, electronic scales, the CR in the "fiscal registrar", "off-line" and "on-line" modes. A system allows to make assessment of cost stocks in retail prices, to compare volumes and profitability of sales in different shops (outlets), to control correctness of receipt of revenue from shops and outlets.
Management of the relations with buyers and suppliers
Functionality of a subsystem allows to manage the relations with buyers, suppliers, suppliers and any other partners. These opportunities can be demanded by the commercial director, the marketing director, the staff of marketing, sales and supplying divisions.
The subsystem "Management of the relations with buyers and suppliers" allows the enterprise:
- perform storage of complete contact information on partners and their employees and also storage of history of interaction with them;
- register information on suppliers: delivery conditions of goods, reliability, completion dates of orders, the nomenclature and the prices of the delivered goods and materials;
- to automatically notify users on the forthcoming contacts with partners, to remind of birthdays of contact persons;
- plan the working time and control working plans of the subordinates;
- analyze incomplete and plan the forthcoming transactions with buyers and potential clients;
- use the personified approach to needs and requirements of each client;
- register each address of the potential buyer and further to analyze customer acquisition percent;
- to quickly control a status of the planned contacts and transactions;
- carry out the integrated ABC(XYZ) - the analysis of customer relations;
- carry out the analysis of the reasons of failure of accomplishment of orders of buyers and volumes of the closed orders;
- analyze and estimate efficiency of advertizing and marketing campaigns based on customer appeals.
Segmentation of buyers using the integrated ABC(XYZ) - the analysis allows to separate clients automatically:
- on classes depending on the client's share in revenue or the profit of the company: important (Class A), average importance (B class), low importance (S-class);
- on the statuses: potential, one-time, permanent, lost;
- on regularity of purchases: stable (X class), irregular (Y class), incidental (Z class).
Results of such analysis help to distribute optimum efforts and to organize work of the employees who are responsible for sales and customer service.
Control and job evaluation of managers
The configuration allows the management (the commercial director, the head of sales office, the head of marketing) to estimate and compare work of the managers who are responsible for sales and work with clients on a number of indicators:
- on sales volumes and the made profit;
- on retention ratio of buyers;
- by the number of the executed orders;
- by the number of contacts with buyers;
- on completeness of filling of the database with contact information.
These estimates can be used for creation of an objective system of the motivation of personnel reflecting specifics of the tasks solved by different categories of managers.
The integrated means of work with e-mail
Means of work with e-mail are integrated into a system common information space. As a result processing of electronic correspondence is made in close interrelation with other business processes of the enterprise:
- registration of correspondence, appointment of contractors and control of execution, maintaining history of correspondence on each partner;
- creation of both the individual, and "public" (group) postal addresses and access isolation to them for different user groups;
- import of contact information from widespread e-mail clients;
- automatic sending letters on approach of scheduled events (for example, a reminder on payment);
- the organization of mailings of e-mails - groups of the addresses for mailing can form both manually, and automatically by the criteria set by the user (for example, on regions, types of activity of partners, positions of contact persons, etc.).
Monitoring and analysis of activity of the enterprise
The effectiveness of management, efficiency and quality of the decisions made by heads of the enterprises in many respects depends on that, how effectively they can use the data on different aspects of activity of the enterprise accumulated in information systems.
The powerful and flexible system of reports allows to analyze quickly and to continuously control all aspects of a productive and trading activity of the enterprise. Among the main systems capabilities:
- the intellectual means of automatic creation of reports which are not requiring programming;
- design in style of spreadsheets;
- pivot tables;
- linear, hierarchical and cross-reports;
- grouping support;
- interpretation of separate elements of the report (drill-down);
- business graphics.
Information can be obtained in any cuts with required detailing. The user can independently give a task (to configure) the detail level, settings of grouping and selection criteria of the solvable tasks given in reports according to specifics. Such individual preferences (actually - the specialized reports created by the user) can be saved for further use.
The modern business techniques, convenient and evident means of information analysis implemented in a system do the program by the efficient tool for the solution of topical issues of management. The specialized tool "Efficiency Monitor" is focused on operational assessment of key performance indicators of work of the enterprise:
- scope of all business by "one look";
- timely identification of deviations from the plan, negative dynamics, growth points;
- refining of the provided information;
- use of the preset set from more than 60 performance indicators;
- development of new performance indicators;
- setup of several report versions on types of activity, on responsibility sections.
Technology advantages
Use of the modern three-level platform with the complex application of an enterprise scale, allows the director of information technology and specialists of IT department of the enterprise to be sure of reliability of data storage, performance and scalability of a system. IT specialists receive the convenient tool for implementation of the tasks necessary for the enterprise and maintenance created at system implementation.
On the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform the new client application - the thin client is implemented: he can be connected under the http or https protocols, at the same time all business logic is implemented on the server. Remote divisions can, using the thin client, to connect via the Internet and to work online with information base. Security and speed of work increases.
On the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform the new client application - the Web client is implemented: does not require installation on the computer of the user any a component, allows to use the Windows and Linux operating systems in workplaces of users. Does not require administration on computers of users. Provides online access to information base for "mobile" employees.
The special operation mode of client applications - the mode of low connection speed (for example is implemented, during the work through GPRS, dialup). It is possible to work in any point where there is no permanent connection to the Internet.
In the mode of managed application the interface "is not drawn", and described". The developer defines only the general scheme of the command interface and the general scheme of forms. The platform uses this description at creation of the interface for the specific user taking into account different factors:
- user's rights;
- features of specific implementation;
- the settings made by the user.
Creation of the individual interface for each user is possible.
The mechanism of functional options is implemented. They allow to include / switch off necessary functional parts of a configuration without change of the most application solution. It is possible to arrange the interface under each role, considering preferences of users.
Data protection
1C Company receives certificate of conformity No. 2137 of 7/20/2010 issued by FSTEC of Russia which confirms that the protected software package (PSP) "1C: Enterprise, version 8.2z" is recognized as the software tool of general purpose with the built-in information security tools from unauthorized access (NSD) to information which is not containing the data which are the state secret. Based on certification compliance to requirements of regulating documents for protection against class NSD-5, on the level of absence control of not declared opportunities (NDV) on the 4th level of control is confirmed, the possibility of use for creation of the automated systems (AS) to a class of security 1G is confirmed (i.e. AS providing confidential information protection in a LAN) inclusive and also for data protection in personal data information systems (ISPDN) to class K1 inclusive.
The certified copies of the platform are marked by marks of conformity from No. G 420000 to No. G 429999.
All configurations developed on the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform (e.g. "1C: Payroll and HR Management 8", 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8, "1C: Spirit production 8", etc.), can be used during creation of a personal data information system of any class and additional certification of application solutions is not required.
Scalability and performance
Use of the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform ensures effective functioning and reliable information storage during the work of hundreds of users. Modern three-level system architecture gives preserving of high performance with significant growth in load of a system and volumes of the processed data. The high fault tolerance is reached due to reservation of a server cluster, and high-speed performance optimization - at the expense of dynamic balancing of loading between clusters. Use of DBMS of world leaders (MS SQL, IBM DB2, Oracle Database) allows to build high-performance and reliable information systems.
Creation of the geographically distributed systems
In 1C:Enterprise 8 the mechanism of management of the distributed information bases which ensures functioning of the single application solution (configuration) with territorially spaced databases united in a layered hierarchical structure is implemented.
It gives the chance to build on the basis of the Managements of Manufacturing Enterprise configuration of the solution for the enterprises of network or holding structure, allowing to manage effectively business and to see the picture "in general" with efficiency, necessary for decision making.
Integration with other systems
Integration into external programs of domestic and foreign developers (for example, technology preparation of production, the client bank system) and the equipment (for example, instrumentations or warehouse data collection terminals) on the basis of the conventional open standards and data transfer protocols supported by the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform is provided.
2015: 1C:Enterprise 8. Spirit production", edition 1.
Product "1C:Enterprise 8. Spirit production", to edition 1.3 it is intended for control automation and accounting in the organizations which are engaged in production, storage, processing and transportation of alcohol.
In the solution requirements of the Federal law from 22 noyabrya1995 for of N171-FZ "About State Regulation of Production and Turnover of Ethyl Alcohol, Alcoholic and Alcohol-containing Products", the government decree, orders of the Federal Tax Service are considered.
Main industry functionality of the program:
- Accounting and regulations of losses, natural losses of alcohol;
- Fixing of results of sampling of alcohol at all stages of its transportation and storage;
- Implementation of full control over a technology production process of alcohol, operational management of production loading;
- Sales management taking into account industry specifics: control of existence of specialized licenses according to requirements of the legislation;
- Management of finance: obtaining the necessary regulated, management and industry reporting;
- Implementation of personnel management with reflection of results of payroll in managerial, accounting and tax accounting;
- Purchase management and stocks taking into account specifics of the industry: accounting and control by dates of pouring, a type of packaging, numbers SCD;
- Accounting of works of motor transportation division.
It is necessary to have the set platform for work with the Spirit Production configuration "1C: Enterprise 8.2" or "1C:Enterprise 8.3".
The software product is protected and contains the code fragments which are not subject to change by the user, has hardware protection against unauthorized use. At the same time the principle of the maximum openness of the code for a possibility of adaptation of a product under needs of end users is implemented.