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1C: Automated update of modified configurations

The name of the base system (platform): 1C:Enterprise 8.3
Developers: 1C-IzhTC
Technology: Accounting systems


1C-IzTSI Company proposes to use specialized circulation solutions for 1C: Enterprise 8 "" 1C: Automated Update of Changed Configurations "and" 1C: Automatic Configuration Testing. " Using these products will simplify the process of updating changed configurations.

2021: 7,764 update projects for 96 configurations

In 2021, 1C-IzhTC conducted 7,764 upgrade projects for 96 types of configurations, including TOPs, spars and ERP solutions of varying degrees of complexity. The company announced this on March 3, 2022.

Image:Проекты обновлений 1с ижтиси 2021.png

The total growth for update projects was 15%. In terms of the number of updates, the configuration "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management" and industry solutions based on it traditionally lead - large companies with significantly revised solutions are users of the service, which it is more profitable to direct the resources of their own specialists to further develop the system.

The number of updated configurations of 1C: Accounting the "enterprise" has noticeably increased - by 35%, and ERP systems - by 44%. This is due to the peculiarities of accounting in 2021 (updated declaration form, VAT updating the rules for filling out payment orders, FSBU), as well as the transition of companies from 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management to current solutions for managing enterprise resources.


1C: Automated Update of Modified Configurations automates the process of updating modified 1C configurations.

Features and capabilities of the program:

  • Compare multiple configurations at the same time;
  • Generation of instructions for updating metadata;
  • Updating of module texts;
  • Generate instructions for updating regular forms;
  • Generate a role update report
  • Automatic testing:
  • Syntax check, configuration check;
  • Metadata check - document registers, validation of correct input based on, predefined data;
  • Invoke form events;
  • Compare document movements
  • Verifies that the forms are updated correctly.

The configuration "1C: Automated update of changed configurations" is not independent, it requires the installed platform "1C:Enterprise 8 of" version not lower than 8.3.7.


1C and 1C-IzhTC informed their customers in March 2013 about the release of new solutions on the 1C:Enterprise 8 - 1C: Automated Update of Changed Configurations and 1C: Automatic Configuration Testing. Software products are designed to update typical configurations, industry solutions, and unique self-described configurations.

"1C: Automated Update of Modified Configurations" is a tool to facilitate the process of updating modified configurations developed on the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform. Available versions of STANDARD and TRAC. The difference between them is that TRAC is equipped with configuration testing functionality.

With the software product, you can automatically check the health of configurations developed on the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform.

1C: Automated Update of Modified Configurations provides functionality such as:

  • Generate a detailed report on the actions to be performed by the user in the configuration comparison and consolidation mode to update the metadata of the changed configuration;
  • update taking into account syntax and specifics of programming language "1C";
  • Edit the updated module and quickly move through changes and possible errors in comparison mode.

"1C-IzSI" emphasizes that in the configuration "1C: Automated update of changed configurations. TRAC "fully includes all the functionality that is in 1C: Automatic Configuration Testing."

1C-IzTSI Company notes that using "1C: Automated update of changed configurations" the user will be able to:

  • Accelerate upgrade processes and improve their quality
  • Minimize labor consumption;
  • Keep sensitive data
  • Reduce the cost of each update.

With regard to 1C: Auto-Test Configurations, it is a tool for fully and automatically validating 1C: Enterprise 8.2 configurations.

"1C-IzSI" identifies the following functionality in the solution:

  • comprehensive testing of 1C configurations in automatic mode, without pre-configuration of test scenarios and algorithms;
  • Help with troubleshooting found errors
  • Automatically generate a report on the list of procedures and functions that could not be called automatically, with possible reasons.