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1C: Manager 8

The name of the base system (platform): 1C:Enterprise 8.3
Last Release Date: 2020/11/20
Technology: Accounting systems


1C: Manager 8 is a multifunction instrument of managerial financial accounting. With its help heads and owners of business can obtain reliable and complete information about results of activity of the enterprise and its current financial status.

The program has no industry specifics and can be used at the enterprises of the service industry, in trading, construction and production companies. The enterprises of small and medium business can be target audience of the program.

The program allows to reflect all range of economic transactions with use of double record that gives the chance not only to keep operational accounting, but also to receive final financial performance of the enterprise. Being guided by data from specialized reports of the program, the director will be able always to make the weighed management decisions.

Data can be entered directly in the program or to use the convenient mechanism of import of data. Thanks to import of data of 1C: Manager 8 it is often used as the consolidation environment where data from programs of accounting and trade (operational) accounting are loaded. 1C: Manager allows to edit the loaded data if necessary.

2020: Release of edition 2.1 products "1C:Enterprise 8. Managing director"

On November 20, 2020 1C Company announced release of edition 2.1 products "1C:Enterprise 8. The managing director", developed together with RU-SYSTEMS LLC Development center on the 1C: Enterprise platform of version 8.3.

1C: Manager is a multifunction instrument of managerial financial accounting. The program has no industry specifics and can be used at the enterprises of the service industry, in trading, construction and production companies. "Younger" versions of the program (Basic and Standard) are intended for the enterprises of small and medium business, and the PROF version is focused on larger enterprises in which organization structure separate divisions are selected. At such enterprises the PROF version will allow to determine financial performance of activity – income, expenses and profit, not only by activities (types of business), but also by divisions.

1C: Manager can become one of the main instruments of work of the financial manager. The program allows to reflect all range of economic transactions with the help of "double record", to use methods of determination of income and expenses "on payment" and "on shipment". Besides, the program gives opportunities as for operational planning by means of the payment schedule and treasurer requests, and for mid-term planning using budgets.

Reports on financial performance give the chance to heads and owners of business to obtain reliable and complete information about revenue breakdown and expenses, profits or losses and cash flows of the enterprise, to make managerial balance.

When developing editorial office of 1C: Manager experience more than ten years of implementations of implementations of this solution and also responses and wishes of partners and users is considered.

According to the line of technical support now the program is used by more than 4000 enterprises and individual entrepreneurs, as in Russia, and abroad.

Possibilities of the software product

In the following edition numerous changes are made to the interface and functionality of the program, reports are added. In PROF version the possibility of accounting by separate divisions appeared. The made changes allowed to improve qualitatively the software product and to expand possibilities of its application.

Accounting on divisions (in PROF version)

There was an opportunity to organize separate accounting on divisions so that employees of one division could not interfere with activity of other divisions. This opportunity will be most useful to the enterprises having the separate divisions with separate staff working with different groups of partners.

Accounting of the total costs of the enterprise

For the enterprises conducting project activity setup of distribution of the total costs is simplified. Earlier at emergence of their new projects it was necessary to include in distribution settings manually. In the following edition the feature to select for distribution of a project group – at the same time is added the program will begin to distribute automatically the total costs of new projects which will appear in the selected groups.

Analysis of financial performance

Possibilities of the analysis of financial performance extended. The interface of financial statements was processed, the feature for the detailed comparison of income and expenses by types of business and divisions is added.

Control of profitability of sales

Specialized reports using which managers will be able quickly to control revenue and also profitability of sales of these or those goods and services are added.


Accounting of the actual cash transactions and instruments of operational planning of cash flow are in the new edition united in the general functional unit. Budgets and the plan-fact analysis are combined with closing financial statements.

2017: 1C: Manager 8 Standard as instrument of work of the financial manager

1C: Manager can become one of the main instruments of work of the financial manager. The program allows to reflect all range of economic transactions with use of the "classical" principles of financial accounting: "double record", determination of income and expenses "on shipment", etc. Besides, the program gives ample opportunities for financial planning. For operational planning in the program the payment schedule and treasurer requests are used, and planning for longer term is performed by means of the plan-fact analysis.

Using reports on financial performance heads and owners of business will be able to estimate revenue breakdown and expenses of the enterprise, to analyze its cash flows and also to control assets and liabilities of the enterprise using managerial balance.

Import and consolidation of data

Data can be entered directly in the program or to use the mechanism of import of data. Thanks to import of data of 1C: Manager 8 Standard it is often used as the consolidation environment where data from programs of accounting and trade accounting are loaded. 1C: Manager allows to edit the loaded data if necessary.

From the moment of passing of the last certification the program made transition to managed application, and the functionality of production accounting which is available in the program and financial planning was significantly finished according to wishes of users.

The 1C: Manager 8 Standard configuration is original, but not independent, it is necessary to have the set 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform for its work not below version 8.3.10.

The configuration is open and allows the user to make changes.

2016: Main functionality of the 1C: Manager 8 program

(data are relevant for 2016)

Program for heads and financial managers

The program was created so that in it it was convenient to director or owner of business, and financial manager or accountant to work both. Especially for directors the most "friendly" interface of the program which mastering does not require high qualification in the field of financial accounting and IT was developed. In turn financial managers will estimate that 1C: Managers are the cornerstone the "classical" principles of financial accounting: "double record", determination of income and expenses "on shipment", etc.

Management accounting

Using 1C: Manager it is possible to consider all economic transactions, entering them directly into documents of the program or importing from other programs. Thanks to it in the program the most reliable data on the basis of which the head will be able to make the weighed management decisions are collected. For example, the analysis of revenue breakdown and expenses allows not just to reveal unprofitable divisions, but also to define origins of problems (growth of administrative costs, drop in sales, etc.).

The acquired information is used only in the enterprise and is not intended for transfer to the state regulatory authorities. Other important difference of management accounting from regulated (accounting and tax) accounting consists that rules of conducting management accounting defines the enterprise.

Financial accounting

By means of reports of the 1C: Manager program the head can control the key financial and managerial indicators:

  • Financial result (profit or loss) of work of the enterprise, including for each activity (division).
  • Managerial balance for control of a status of enterprise assets (money, property, goods and materials), profit and the capital and also a status of settlement.
  • Cash flows of the enterprise with analytics under the articles of the movement of money.


1C: Manager gives opportunities both for operational planning, and for drawing up plans for longer term. The system of treasurer requests is intended for operational planning of funds of the enterprise in the program, and for fight against "cash gaps" Payment schedule is used.

In addition to operational planning, the functionality of the program allows to be budgets of the movement of money and also income and expenses of the enterprise. Control of execution of the adopted budgets is exercised using reports of the plan-fact analysis.

Consolidation and import of data

Quite often business breaks into several legal entities. Each of them keeps own reporting therefore it is difficult to head to estimate as the situation in general on the enterprise is. In this case 1C: Manager is used as the environment of consolidation of data on all legal entities. In the program it will be possible to see final financial performance on all business at once: consolidated statement on profit and losses, managerial balance on all assets and liabilities, etc.

For this purpose the mechanism of import of data thanks to which it is possible to load data from different accounting programs into one base of 1C: Manager is provided in the program. 1C: Manager supports import of data from configurations 1C: Accounting "8",1C: Trade Management "8", "1C: Retail" and "1C: Payroll and HR Management" (including their localizations for Ukraine , Belarus i Kazakhstan).

Restrictions of the basic version

1C: Manager of Basic version is focused on small businesses in which accounting is conducted personally by the head or his authorized representative. Thereof in the basic version of the program there is no number of the functions not relevant for small enterprises: accounting on warehouses or work in the multi-user mode. Besides, the possibility of configuration change is not provided in the basic version.

2014: 1C: Manager 8 PROF of version 1.4

1C Company together with RU-SYSTEMS Development center, informed in December, 2014 users and partners on release of edition 1.4 PROF versions of the product "1C: Manager 8". New edition is intended for work on a technology platform of 1C:Enterprise 8.3 and functions in the mode of the normal application.

Users of new edition 1.4 of 1C: Manager 8 of PROF version have the following new features:

  • Control of execution and payment of orders is automated. At reflection of transactions of receipt, shipment or payment it is possible to specify the document "Order" according to which shipment or payment is made. Using the specialized report it is possible to trace the history of the order, to browse all orders on the partner, to learn a payment remaining balance.
  • The feature for rendering internal services is added. There was a possibility of transfer of income and expenses between divisions. The functionality is demanded in the companies where some structural units of the company (division) render services to other structural units of the company.
  • It is worked the mechanism of accounting of property. The feature to amortize property in proportion to development is added or during the certain period not to charge depreciation on a property object.
  • The mechanism of accounting of production operations is processed. At a long production cycle the possibility of maintaining more flexible analytics of costs of production appeared. At a short cycle the functionality allowing to reflect one document release at once of several nomenclature positions is added.
  • The expense accounting mechanism is changed. Separation of items of expenditure on direct and the general is abolished. All arrived expenses are reflected or directly as expenses of a type of business, or as overheads. When closing mesyatsanakladny expenses are distributed by types of business.

PROF version of the solution "1C: Manager" has a number of differences in comparison with versions Basic and the Standard. PROF version is focused on the companies numbering more than 50 staff, with respect thereto, the possibility of accounting of income, expenses and cash flows on divisions is provided in the program. Besides, PROF version allows to distribute itemized expenses of the enterprise and also to keep expanded account of production operations.

Accounting on the Centers to the Financial Responsibility (divisions)

PROF version is focused on the enterprises of medium and large business. Information on structure of profitability as on activities (types of business), and on divisions – structural units of the company is necessary for the top management for efficiency evaluation of activity.

The double analytics of accounting – by types of business and divisions – allows heads to assess better a financial situation in the company. Reports of the program show what division works more effectively on each of activities. Having information on the real profit of each center of the financial responsibility, the director can motivate chiefs of divisions not only increase income, but also cut down expenses.

Itemized expense allocation

When accounting on the centers of the financial responsibility it is very important to have an opportunity to distribute expenses of the enterprise on each division to within ruble. The developed mechanism of itemized expense allocation allows each spent ruble "on justice" to carry to specific division.

Accounting of production operations

PROF version offers expanded, in comparison with versions Basic and the Standard, functionality of accounting of production operations. The possibility of reflection as rather simple production operations, and enough difficult, the requiring bigger amount of time and labor costs is provided. In addition to transactions of production, 1C: Manager PROF allows to reflect transactions of rendering production services, for example – construction works.


Certificate "Compatibly! The system of programs 1C: Enterprise" for 1C: Manager 8 Standard

Certificate "Compatibly! The system of programs 1C: Enterprise" was received in May, 2011 by the 1C: Manager 8 Standard software product developed by 1C-Vectro (RU-SYSTEMS LLC) group and provided on certification as the configuration developed in the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 environment in the normal mode.

The intuitive interface in which objects of a configuration are structured according to sections of accounting is developed for convenience of users. The interface of the program depends on defined settings of access rights of users.

Much attention is paid to the block of budget planning. In the program the possibility of budget making of income and expenses of the enterprise appeared. For more flexible planning the mechanism of storage of different versions of the budget of the movement of money and versions of the income and expenditure budget of the enterprise is implemented. The functionality of comparison of planned and actual targets to a possibility of comparison of indicators for any selected periods is developed.

The Universal report allowing the user to obtain information on all areas of accounting of the program with a possibility of detailing of any indicators and with an unlimited set of the displayed parameters is added.

Because 1C: Manager 8 Standard is very often used as the instrument of consolidation of data, in the program import of data is considerably improved and simplified. From difficult multi-stage process it turned into the simple procedure on which much less time is spent. Use of global unique identifiers of the imported objects allowed to expand possibilities of import of data at data exchange with different information bases.

For problem solving of managerial operational accounting, the functionality of formation and printing of primary documents, such as receipt and account cash orders, invoices for payment, delivery notes, invoices, etc. was added.

The 1C: Manager 8 Standard configuration is original, but not independently, it is necessary to have the set 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform for its work not below version 8.2.13.

In a configuration there are no fragments of the protected code that allows to adapt a configuration for specifics of activity of the enterprise.

In a configuration keys of hardware protection are not used.

1C: Manager 8 PROF. Description

1C: Manager 8 PROF is a multifunction instrument of financial accounting. The program has no industry specifics. Today Bol 2700 trading, construction and production companies and the enterprises of the service industry use the solution "1C: Manager". Target audience of the 1C: Manager software product of PROF version – the enterprise of medium and large business. On mid-size enterprises, as a rule, the most part of data is imported from other programs, and a part of data is entered manually. On large enterprises "1C: Managers PROF" it is used first of all as the consolidation environment where data from programs of accounting and trade (operational) accounting are loaded.

1C: Manager 8 Standard. Description

Line of the programs "1C: Managers" are the solutions for business demanded regardless of regional or industry specifics, the size and requirements of the enterprises. The efficiency of the program is proved by thousands of the enterprises which are successfully using for accounting of business activities the 1C: Manager program which is issued since 2007 and using which more than 5,000 jobs are automated.

The product is intended for the organization at the enterprise of management accounting. Being based on the real data, the program provides to the head information for acceptance of optimal management decisions.

The product allows to keep financial accounting using which it is possible to obtain information on the key financial and managerial indicators, such as cash flows, profit or loss.

Availability of the simple and clear interface gives the chance to work with the program to not only specialists, but also the users who do not have high qualification in the financial and economic sphere and IT.