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Баннер в шапке 2

1C: School Power supply

The name of the base system (platform): 1C:Enterprise 8.3
Developers: Kaptain agency
Last Release Date: 2020/06/26
Technology: Accounting systems


Configuration "1C: Shkolnoyepitaniye" — joint development of firms Kaptain agency, Hronobus and 1C — is held for use at the schools and other educational institutions receiving a power supply in the centralized order (through plant of a school power supply). Such schools do not perform independent cooking, at them account of products and dishes is not kept, however personal accounting of number eating and costs of a power supply is required.

2020: Release of electronic delivery

On June 26, 2020 1C Company announced release of electronic delivering solutions for the industry Education for training in the highest and average educational institutions. Including the electronic version of the program "became available to 1C: School power supply". Read more here.

2010: Release "1C: School meals PROF"

For the educational institutions which are engaged in independent cooking the 1C: School meals PROF software product including in addition to the opportunities of accounting of number eating and costs of a power supply, necessary functionality for the accountant and the nutritionist of educational institution was released earlier (information release No. 3801 of 3/3/2005).

Software products of a line "1C: Shkolnoyepitaniye" allow to solve the following problems:

Power supply planning

Drawing up "Plan Menu" taking into account requirements for the cost of a power supply and nutrition value. Maintaining card file of dishes, development and execution of process charts. Value assessment of dishes at the accounting prices of products. Planning of deliveries of products. Maintaining standards of cost and nutrition value separately on each group of eating.

Personal accounting of number of eating

Maintaining the list eating, completing of the main and reserve list, input of the documents "Appointment of Group of Eating" and "Temporary Failure from a Power Supply" with automatic control of validity periods, personal accounting of number by drawing up requests for a power supply (and then both in calculation and when accounting cost), maintaining "The sheet of a power supply", printing of necessary output forms.

Accounting of products

Material accounting of products on batches, taking into account storage lives, hygienic and veterinary certificates, on one or several storage locations. Amount-based accounting in buffet.


Calculation (calculation) of an expense of products and cost value of dishes taking into account consumption rates of products, seasonal regulations of withdrawal at cold processing, replacements of products, the actual existence of products, recalculation of warehouse units of measure in calculation. Drawing up and execution of the menu, calculation and drawing up goods issue slips. All calculations remain in information base. Cost accounting of dishes can be executed with a margin (on dishes and on products).

Accounting of cost of a power supply

Accounting of cost of a power supply separately on each group of eating. At the same time the normative value of cost of a power supply, including from the state budget is considered. Daily registration of cost of a power supply. Execution of final documents in a month: "The act of write-off of a free power supply" and "The sheet of accounting of a power supply" (sheets on detodnyam).

Monitoring of a food allowance

Monitoring of a food allowance is performed in passing with accounting (that reduces labor input). The program contains data on nutrition value of products and dishes, is able to calculate nutrition value of dishes on products. Are for the period issued: "The report on a diet" and "The accumulative sheet of an expense of products" where the actual values and deviations from regulations are displaid.

Software product "1C: A school Power supply" represents a configuration which can be used together with the Accounting, Calculation and Operational accounting components, i.e. in the presence in organization of formation of any of the following software products: "1C: Accounting 7.7" (the standard version or is more senior), "1C: Payroll and the Personnel 7.7" (PROF version or is more senior), "1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7" (PROF version or is more senior).