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AIS KUB (automated information system of integrated management of security)

Developers: Open Technologies
Date of the premiere of the system: September, 2013

The company Open Technologies, the Russian system integrator, announced in September, 2013 development and an output to the market of the new complete solution on ensuring regional security - the AIS KUB.

The AIS KUB (automated information system of integrated management of security) is the solution on integration and analytics of information flows within interdepartmental interaction for ensuring regional security.

Basic purpose of the AIS KUB – informing on an object of responsibility of heads of appropriate levels (from the level of an object of the municipal entity to the governor's level) and support of adoption of solutions by them on the basis of hi-tech IT systems and the regulating documents.

functioning of the AIS KUB – operational coordination of forces and means ensuring safety of the region (the city or the area).

The information and analytical providing providing to profile services and departments access to the following types of constantly updatable data about an operational situation of the region is applied to achievement of effective objectives:

  • The Ministry of Emergency Situations – data on natural and technogenic emergencies and also about measures of their prevention and liquidation;
  • Information on illegal acts and status of public security, the road accidents given an intelligent system of management of traffic flows are the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • To the Ministry of Health – data about injured with incidents, further monitoring of the diagnosis which was injured until exposure, monitoring of incidence and providing with the vital medicines (through integration with local MIS);
  • to service housing and public utilities is information on energy efficiency of accountable objects and resources;
  • to competent services and departments – the secret data which are the state secret (a subsystem "HAZE" - interdepartmental state line equipment).

Interaction interface of all participants is a geographic information analytical system (GIAS). It allows to integrate on the terms of differentiation of access rights of all listed above operators and also to separate data into open (for the population) and special (which will be available only to competent authorities).

The AIS KUB is the "turnkey" offer. In addition to the traditional IT solution consisting of a data processing center, the integration gateway with departmental networks and a software package of analytics and data mapping also services of outsourcing of tasks, non-core for administration of the region are a part of the AIS KUB (for example, technical maintenance of communication hubs or a software maintenance). Here the complex of the normative reference documentation on an organization structure which will be implemented by the solution in practice is included.

"the AIS KUB is the unique solution in which all competences of our company are involved. It not only is directed to increase in efficiency of complex regional security and interdepartmental interaction of the power block, but also is the reply of the authorities to a social request of inhabitants. Besides, the security level in the region is one of indicators of its investment attractiveness", - Sergey Svetov, the head of special projects of the company told Open Technologies.

According to Maxim Glushchenko, the Head of Department on work with administrations of regions of the company Open Technologies, "for administrations of regions it is important to go the way hi-tech development. And logical continuation of a subject of "The safe cities" is just the AIS KUB, providing the information connectivity of data streams from already known and accepted in operation systems, such as subsystem of video surveillance and face recognition and the state numbers, System-112 and some other which we implemented in Samara, Ufa, the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania".