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ARGUS PTS (Comprehensive Technical Support)

Developers: Argus STC, RedLab (Red Lab)
Last Release Date: 2023/10/17
Branches: Telecommunications and Communications

2023: Customization of the Problem and Incident Management System

RedLab took part in the project to customize one of the popular products of the STC ARGUS - the Complex Technical Support problem and incident management system to the requirements of the operator of the Svyazirossy bank.

The ARGUS KTP system structures the technical support of telecommunications companies in the form of the first, second and third lines. On the first line there are operators who have a basic level of competence in resolving problems. The second line is composed of highly specialized operators. The third line includes technical service employees, administrators who configure the system and technical support managers who monitor the effectiveness of employees. The system is flexible and adaptable to the technical support structure of a particular company. If necessary, you can combine the functions of the first and second support lines, add new features to the product, or eliminate unnecessary options. In this case, it was necessary to customize the product for the telecom operator of the largest Russian bank. The RedLab command was connected to implement two key tasks:

  • Transfer databases from Oracle to PostgreSQL and refactoring the code in accordance with the operator's requirement
  • Make changes to the pages in the functional features of the product: modify the pages for creating and maintaining incidents and orders, simplify the business process of incidents and orders, removing unnecessary statuses, roles, events.

Next, we worked on optimizing the solution for the specific business requirements of the telecom operator:

  • Changed incident creation and modification pages where case name is entered, request processing status, dates are changed, and unclaimed fields and tabs in the incident history are removed.
  • Rebuilt the pop-up window for creating and assigning an order: changed directories with business roles, reasons for closing incidents, orders.
  • We redesigned the window for selecting the estimated date for the completion of the order: we removed automatic algorithmic calculations based on the rules and supplemented the simple field for choosing the date.
  • We added a field to display the estimated date of the order completion on the incident page.
  • Modified the incident business process: removed unnecessary status, roles, added a new simplified process for three roles.
  • Changed the business process of the orders: left five roles and five possible actions, according to the requirements.

The project used the following technical stack: OpenJDK 11, WildFly 15, Java EE, JavaServer Faces, PrimeFaces, GIT, PostgreSQL, Oracle.

Customization of the ARGUS KTP system will allow the telecom operator to automate the business processes of handling incidents and failures that occur in the network, as well as reduce the cost of technical support by reducing the processing time of one call and the most efficient use of time of highly qualified specialists. In addition, the burden on technical support personnel will be reduced by reducing the number of calls through preventive network monitoring. As a result, the banking telecom operator will increase customer loyalty by reducing the time to restore the service and timely reporting of malfunctions and preventive work.