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Developers: Raidix
Last Release Date: January, 2012
Technology: DWH

In March, 2011 in AvroRAID laboratory software testing of AVRORA/RAIDIX for storage systems on compatibility with the operating system of ALT Linux was successfully held. The received results testify to a possibility of creation of a single effective software platform for storage systems.

DWH which is completely constructed on domestic software is focused on public institutions and the companies with special requirements to security, reliability and high-speed performance.

According to the CEO of AvroRAID company Sergey Razumovsky, "the created solution belongs to absolutely new class of applied tasks which lie on a joint of work program and the hardware. The joint solution AvroRAID and ALT Linux clearly demonstrates that ALT Linux OS can be used in a wide class of devices from the server systems to the built-in solutions. The storage systems using algorithms of the Russian development have a strategic importance as allow to ensure more information security (including according to requirements of FSTEC) and technology independence".
Taratuta Sergey, the director of business development, AVRORAID, on a round table "Creation of IT architecture" in October, 2011 presented a new solution in the field of the storage systems (SS) for virtualization - the failsafe AVRORA DC complex. It differs in record-breaking high performance among the systems of a similar class and gives the chance to place more than 100 virtual machines on DWH. The solution is optimized for application in projects of virtualization: full compatibility with ESX 3.x, 4.x, 5 in the mode of balancing of loading (MPIO), complete duplication of nodes excludes failure of a system. The specialist noted that now are successfully operated by DWH on the AVRORA platform in Major computer center of JSC "Russian Railways" and its structural divisions.

In October, 2011 the laboratory of AvroRAID company executed testing of product capabilities of LSI MegaRAID CacheCade for optimization of system operation of storage on the AVRORAID platform. Results of a research of opportunities of software of CacheCade confirmed that application of this product for DWH of high performance more than by 10 times increases platform performance on accidental access for small data units. Insufficiently high rates of performance of DWH on the AVRORAID platform in the random mode on small blocks was the only weak point of the AVRORA platform. After the research of ways of solving the problem specialists of the company selected the product MegaRAID CacheCade executing optimization of work with a cache. Within technology partnership with LSI company engineers of AVRORAID had an opportunity of deep studying of product capabilities. Testing was held on the basis of the LSI controller 9265-8 MegaRAID, CacheCade 1.0. According to the results of the carried-out works in a lineup of DWH on the basis of AVRORAID recommendations about application of LSI MegaRAID CacheCade for specific scenarios of use are made. Other options of application save high rates of performance (to 4GB/sec. in RAID6). LSI controllers with the new version of a product - CacheCade 2.0 which will provide increase in productivity not only in a read mode, but also record that will improve performance for the applications MS Exchange, MS SQL Server and others are released. In the near future engineers of AVRORAID company are going to execute testing of LSI MegaRAID CacheCade 2.0.


The AVRORAID company released a new software version for AVRORA 2.0 storage systems. It differs in performance to 4GB / with, support of iSCSI, a possibility of inclusion up to 32 disks in one RAID group and support one - and two-controller configurations. These opportunities significantly expand borders of application of storage systems on the AVRORA platform and increase effect of use of systems by users at the expense of high speeds and low cost for the processed megabyte of data.

Inclusion in RAID6 up to 32 disks allows to create virtual partitions of LUN of 64TB or 96TB in size. It significantly simplifies work of studios of video-tape editing and service of DPC archives at the expense of uniform space, reliable work with RAID6 level at the guaranteed high data processing rate. In the field of the video industry 32-disk arrays are the most widespread for post-production, and providing a possibility of creation of uniform RAID group of RAID6 level to them was absolutely natural step. For DPCs increase in quantity of disks in RAID group also is a trend. In AVRORA 2.0 the read and write of stream data in RAID6 reaches 4GB/sec. indicator. By the end of 2012 the AVRORAID laboratory is going to release the version of software in which performance will be increased not less than by 25%.

Consolidation of one-controller and two-controller configurations in a uniform software version will facilitate work of technical partners of AVRORAID on installation and support of DWH for the clients. Consumers can freely make the choice between configurations, giving preference to solutions on criteria, significant for them. The two-controller version allows to build completely failsafe solutions, without uniform point of failure that is demanded for crucial business applications and systems.