Developers: | Aladdin R.D. |
Last Release Date: | 2023/10/27 |
Technology: | Information Security - Encryption Tools |
Aladdin Secret Disk is a software and hardware solution for protecting confidential information and personal data. Version 4 - 4.5 of this product is currently available.
2025: As part of a secure workstation
Astra Group"" and Aladdin R.D.."" on March 25, 2025, announced the release of a bundle - a certified protected workstation Russian. ON Key software components are an OS with Astra Linux built-in IPS (mandatory integrity control and a closed software environment) and a Secret Disk product with great capabilities in part. enciphering
The bundle secures sensitive data on corporate PCs and laptops through the use of MPS built into the OS and the use of Secret Disk encryption mechanisms. All security elements are transparent to users and do not affect their normal work with documents. Thanks to the use of encryption, information is reliably protected even if the device is lost or the disk is stolen.
Another important quality of the bundle is the ability to quickly protect many workstations. Centralized management of Secret Disk agents greatly simplifies administration and monitoring. A collaborative solution can be integrated into both a mature and evolving IT infrastructure. Effective operation is guaranteed even if it does not yet have PKI services, certifying a center or directory services.
The offer is aimed at medium and large customers from the banking, oil and gas, energy, industrial sectors and the public sector. The solution is especially relevant for companies that have a wide branch network and practice remote and hybrid employee modes of operation.
The solution provides control over access to software, resources and data, which significantly reduces the risks of their unauthorized use and leakage. However, the information is protected from the actions of users with privileged rights, and this prevents potential internal threats. Data compromise is excluded even in the process of servicing and repairing a computer. Together, these measures allow you to achieve a high level of security and effectively manage IT systems.
Users receive uniform instructions for installing and commissioning the entire software package and can choose from two licensing options:
- Perpetual license for Astra Linux with the ability to purchase a technical support certificate and a new license for Secret Disk.
- License for 12 months for Astra Linux and Secret Disk.
A secure workstation based on Astra Linux and Secret Disk is already available for ordering through partners of both vendors.
In the current environment, reliable protection of corporate data has become one of the primary tasks for any organization. Domestic products are extremely in demand, which are not inferior, and sometimes superior in reliability, to foreign analogues. This solution provides comprehensive workstation security and meets infrastructure requirements. This is a convenient tool for those who seek to increase the level of security and efficiency of their work, "said Kirill Sinkov, Director of the Department for Work with Technological Partners of Astra Group. |
2023: Secret Disk for Linux 2.0 with deployment and centralized management on a large number of workstations
Aladdin has completed the development of an updated version of the Secret Disk cryptographic information protection system for Linux 2.0. The developer announced this on October 27, 2023.
Secret Disk for Linux is one of the company's flagship products, it provides prevention leaks of confidential information enciphering using on workstations servers and with domestic OS families. Linux
The key change is the ability to deploy and centrally manage a large number of workstations. The creation of such functionality required a significant processing of the product. Now Secret Disk for Linux has a client-server architecture and consists of the following components: Management Server, Administrator Management Console and Agent. All components are executed within the framework of the Secure by design approach, the graphics console is built on ON web technologies recommended for development, system security parameters are stored database in a secure form. In addition, the product has a certified CIPF module "Secret Disk Crypto Engine." This approach increases the reliability of the solution.
Secret Disk for Linux 2.0 allows you to build a security system in a Linux infrastructure of any degree of maturity. The business logic of the product does not require services such as PKI CA and directory service. The product is compatible with classic delivery and deployment tools ON on Linux.
Security administrators have the ability to dynamically group users and centrally manage encryption policies across a large number of workstations. In the updated graphics management console, the administrator always sees the status of users and their resources, can choose a convenient time to start encryption and track this process. In addition to the graphics console, a classic command line is always available.
The software agent is installed on user computers and implements functions: cryptographic information protection, two-factor authentication. The Agent logs user information to the Management Console automatically. This allows you to quickly commission Secret Disk for Linux 2.0 on a large number of workstations. The agent can operate both in centralized management mode and autonomously.
Our main customers are large companies and corporations, CII facilities, government departments and organizations. Their data privacy requirements are especially high and workstation encryption is required for proactive protection. The real practice is that the transition to Linux is complicated by the lack of complete readiness of the IT infrastructure. At the same time, data protection requirements must be observed promptly and as strictly as in Windows. Relying on feedback from our customers and following the logic of secure development, we have created this version of the Secret Disk product for Linux. In it, we took into account the restrictions that our clients face - data security is possible even if the Linux segment does not yet have services such as CA, PKI and directory service. This format will allow customers to switch to Linux now, in real conditions, without waiting for the IT infrastructure on Linux to be identical to Windows, "said Denis Sukhovey, Head of Technology Development at Aladdin. |
2021: Secret Disk Linux release
On September 16, 2021, Aladdin R.D. announced the release of Secret Disk Linux, a product designed to prevent confidential information leaks on Linux operating systems. Read more here.
2019: Secret Disk
On November 27, 2019, Aladdin R.D. announced the release of the next release of a system for protecting confidential information and personal data on a PC or laptop with the ability to work collectively over the Secret Disk 5 network.
The main difference between Secret Disk 5 version and previous releases is a fundamentally different algorithm update of the program from previous versions, thanks to which the replacement of solution components takes place automatically, without requiring decryption of protected resources, including the system disk, preliminary uninstallation in the correct order of previously installed components, a large number of reboots computer after the update. Note that after updating to ON the current release, all settings, key information and access rights are saved.
In addition, in this version of Secret Disk 5, the Crypto Extension Pack component is included in the general installer, which eliminates possible version incompatibility, and added support for working with JaCarta and eToken tokens without installing special client software using mini-drivers automatically downloaded from the Microsoft website.
All drivers and bootloaders in Secret Disk 5 version are verified and signed by Microsoft, which allows you to work in Secure Boot mode and the latest versions of Windows 10.
2017: ViPNet CSP 4.2 compatibility
Aladdin RD and InfoTeCS announced on September 19, 2017 that they had confirmed their performance and correctness during testing system for protecting confidential information and personal data Secret Disk 5 with CIPF ViPNet CSP 4.2. The Crypto Extension Pack version 4.13 or higher must be preinstalled for proper operation.
Compatibility is provided on the basis of the following operating systems:
- Windows 7 (32/64-bit) in the editions "Professional," "Corporate" and "Maximum";
- Windows 8.1 (32/64-bit) in the editions "Professional" and "Corporate";
- Windows 10 (32/64-bit) in the editions "Professional," "Corporate."
ViPNet CSP 4.2 is a Russian crypto provider certified FSB Russia as a means (cryptographic information protection CIPF) and. electronic signature
2016: Secret Disk Personal 5
On October 3, 2016, Aladdin R.D. announced the launch of Secret Disk Personal version 5.
The product provides transparent full-disk data encryption and file-by-file, with the possibility of their combination.
Secret Disk 5 inherited the functionality and main characteristics of its predecessors - SD4 and SD4WG. Additional features have been added to their capabilities, the developer noted.
Support for operating systems has been expanded to Windows 10. The product is ready to be installed on touch tablets that support Absolute Pointer Protocol and, according to the company, has begun to change from the inside: it is expected to improve encryption algorithms, transform the interface.
Expanding the functionality will help make Secret Disk 5 part of the corporate structure of large enterprises, applying it to non-domain computers. For example, Folder Encryption is focused on protecting user data when an attacker tries to access it by entering a computer during an open user session. Thus, the function allows the owner to simultaneously see the decrypted data, and everyone else - their encrypted form.
Secure containers. Users have the ability to transfer encrypted data to computers where Secret Disk 5 is not installed. To work with this data on another computer, you do not need to install Secret Disk 5. You can make changes, add new data and return data to the owner in a secure form. The licensing scheme is time-based: licenses are issued for 1 or 10 years by default. The license replacement is available to users when it expires.
2014: Secret Disk 4.8
Secret Disk 4.8 supports next-generation electronic keys, JaCarta OS 8 support Microsoft Windows , the ability to connect disks protected by Secret Disk 4 to other PCs, and a number of bugs have been fixed.
2013: Secret Disk 4.7
Secret Disk version 4.7 includes the ability to save the encryption master key on paper and then restore access to encrypted data in case of damage or loss of other key information.
For the convenience of the user, if necessary, the already started process of encrypting, decrypting or re-encrypting the disk can be interrupted. Any user who has access to the encrypted disk can now change the letter of the disk. In addition, when restoring access to the encrypted disk, you are now prompted to enter the label and mount letter of the disk.
2012: Secret Disk 4.6.1
Aladdin R.D. announced in April 2012 the release of new versions of solutions of the Secret Disk: Secret Disk 4.6.1 and Secret Disk Server NG 3.6.1 product line.
Secret Disk 4 is used to protect confidential information and personal data stored and processed on a personal computer. The new version of the solution implements the compatibility of the encryption modes of the system partition and the hibernation mode.
Secret Disk Server NG protects confidential information stored on the server from unauthorized access, copying, damage, theft or unlawful seizure. The new version fixes work with removable media, and also eliminates the error of the file system failure on Windows Server 2008 R2.
FSTEC Secret Disk 4.3.1 Certification
Certified Secret Disk 4.3.1. recommended for use in ISDS up to class 2 and for creating automated systems up to and including 1G security class. The solution protects the system partition, hard and virtual disk partitions, dynamic disk volumes, as well as removable media and various memory cards. To protect access to encrypted data, a strict authentication procedure using the eToken key is used. At the same time, the very fact of the presence of data on the disk is hidden, which makes it impossible for an attacker to access them even if a disk with information or the entire computer is stolen or lost. This is especially true for mobile employees of companies using laptops in their work.
Certified version of Secret Disk 4.3.1. features more complete functionality, improved user capabilities, ease of installation and use of the product. Among its key advantages:
- expanding the range of supported Microsoft operating systems - new version 4.3.1. compatible with 64-bit operating systems, including Windows Vista;
- Simplify the implementation of Secret Disk by automatically checking for compatibility with the master boot record before encrypting the system partition and recommending further steps
- Improve Secret Disk fault tolerance through enhanced integrity monitoring
- expanding the range of supported Aladdin products - new version 4.3.1. compatible with the hardware and software complex Electronic key eToken 5;
- Support secure collaboration with secure data
- possibility to work with English-language interface.
Compatibility with 1C:Enterprise 8 Platform Solutions
Three products of the Secret Disk family of Aladdin RD have passed certification tests for compatibility with solutions on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform. Received certificate "Compatible! The 1C: Enterprise program system "confirms the correct operation and convenience of using Secret Disk solutions to protect confidential information and databases for " 1C: Enterprise 8.2. "
1C: Enterprise is one of the most common Russia platforms for automating various management and accounting tasks. Often, 1C: Enterprise systems store confidential information, the loss of which can lead to the most serious consequences, up to the loss of business. The products of the Secret Disk line of Aladdin R.D. help to ensure the necessary level of protection of 1C databases. The "transparent" method used in Secret Disk solutions enciphering two-factor authentications and using eToken electronic keys makes it impossible for attackers to access data stored on a workstation or server.
In order to confirm the correct operation of Secret Disk products with the 1C: Enterprise system, 1C conducted test tests. Three solutions took part in the testing program: Secret Disk Server NG - a complex for protecting corporate databases and confidential data on servers; and Secret Disk 4 - a solution for individual use, designed to protect confidential information stored and processed on a personal computer, as well as the Secret Disk 4 Workgroup Edition, which provides network access to secure resources for small groups of users. The test results were recognized as successful, the products were assigned the status "Compatible! Program system 1C: Enterprise. "
When using Secret Disk solutions in conjunction with 1C:Enterprise 8, users can have file and client-server information bases on encrypted media, which will prevent unauthorized access to data by their employees and external persons, theft or seizure. Products not only reliably protect data, but also hide the very fact of their presence, for example, in the event of a laptop loss or transfer to a service center for repair. Easy-to-use solutions are easily installed and require training at the level of a qualified user.
2010: Aladdin Secret Disk 4
One of the main causes of confidential information leaks continues to be the accidental loss or deliberate theft of laptops and mobile media. According to statistics for the 1st half of 2010, this is about 20% of all incidents. Using the Secret Disk 4 personal protection solution, you can protect your data from intruders, even if a loss/theft has already occurred. It can be used to create encrypted logical or virtual disks, the content of which can only be used by the owner of the PC or his proxies who have been authenticated using eToken electronic keys.
The release of the new version of Secret Disk 4 is due to the interest of users to increase the flexibility of configuring the solution and expand its application scenarios in various PC infrastructures and configurations. New features of Secret Disk 4 include:
- Create variable-size virtual encrypted disks that significantly increase disk space utilization and reduce server maintenance costs
- Migration to Secret Disk Agent - client software that is part of the corporate Secret Disk Enterprise information protection system;
- Expand the list of supported hard drives in system partition protection mode, allowing you to use the new version on almost any PC and laptop.
- Virtual token support for demos to simplify testing processes and speed up pre-sales familiarization without the need to purchase or lease hardware keys
- Permanently move and delete encrypted files
- supports the exFAT file system for Flash drives.
The high level of the system for protecting confidential information and personal data in Secret Disk 4 is achieved by encrypting the system partition, as well as the procedure for strict user authentication using the eToken hardware USB key, which is mandatory for all Aladdin products. Secret Disk 4.3 supports the entire eToken lineup, including the new eToken Java platform. This will allow easy and painless migration from the "beginner" version - Secret Disk 4 Lite - to the full professional version of Secret Disk 4.3. Permanent expansion of the range of supported operating systems is a hallmark of all Secret Disk products. The new version will allow you to use Secret Disk 4.3 protection for those who are already working with the new Microsoft Windows 7 RC1 OS. Responding to numerous user requests, the developers of Secret Disk 4.3 supplemented the product's functionality with the ability to restore the encryption key of the system partition in eToken from a copy before loading the operating system. Now, even if the eToken key is formatted, broken, lost or locked, the user will still be able to load the system disk, provided that a copy of the encryption key is saved. The durability of the PIN code used in Secret Disk 4.3 is significantly increased due to the possibility of using any mix combinations including Cyrillic and Latin characters. The mixed password creates additional protection against dictionary attacks, which, combined with strict authentication, allows for a high level of security of access to encrypted data.
When is Secret Disk 4 needed?
- When working on a laptop. Loss or theft of a laptop, unauthorized use by unauthorized persons (during business trips on vacation).
- When working on a personal computer in the office. Unauthorized access to data over the local network or illegal use by unauthorized persons during the user's absence from the workplace.
- The computer is transferred to service. Unauthorized access to data during repair and service work by an internal IT service or an external service company.
- Confidential information is transferred or sent on removable media. Media loss or theft.
- It is necessary to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law on Personal Data of July 27, 2006. Violation of the confidentiality of personal data that are stored and processed on personal computers in the organization.
Secret Disk 4 Assignment
- Protection against unauthorized access and disclosure of the confidentiality of information stored and processed on a personal computer or laptop.
- Protect information when transferred and stored on removable media.
- Delineation of user rights to access secure information using reliable two-factor authentication (possession of the eToken electronic key and knowledge of the PIN).
Secret Disk 4 Features
Secure data protection
- Encrypt hard disk partitions, dynamic disk volumes, virtual disks, and removable media.
Protect the hard drive system partition
- The system partition of the hard drive contains a large amount of information of particular interest to hackers, competitors or insiders. For example, the system partition stores user accounts, logins and passwords for various information resources, e-mail, license information of the programs used, etc. Attackers can obtain all this data by analyzing temporary OS files, page files, application log files, memory dumps, as well as an image that is saved to disk when the system goes to sleep.
- Secret Disk 4, unlike many competitors, allows you to protect the system partition, as well as the information stored on it.
Loading the Operating System by eToken
- Having gained access to a personal computer, an attacker or unscrupulous employee can use it to gain access to closed resources (for example, to corporate servers or the user's payment system). Standard Microsoft Windows operating system authorization tools cannot reliably restrict boot and operation on the operating system. The use of electronic USB keys and eToken smart cards to authenticate users before booting the OS guarantees access to the computer only by trusted persons.
- Secret Disk 4 provides the most secure and reliable procedure for confirming user rights to date - two-factor authentication - to access data, you need not only a USB token, but also knowledge of the password to boot the operating system.
Transparent encryption
- Initial encrypting or full re-encrypting operations for today's large disk drives may take considerable time, which may cause some inconvenience to the user.
- In Secret Disk 4, all encrypting, re-encrypting, and decrypting operations are performed in the background. During these operations, the disk is fully accessible for operation, which makes it possible to use the computer without waiting for the end of the encryption process.
Restore access to encrypted disks
- If your electronic key, personal computer or separate data disk fell into the wrong hands, you can be calm about the safety and inaccessibility of your data - no one except you will be able to access them bypassing the Secret Disk system.
- In case of loss or breakdown of the Secret Disk 4 USB key, it is possible to backup restore access to data.
Deny network access to encrypted data
- Data stored on encrypted disks of a personal computer is available only to the security administrator and users who own eToken electronic keys and are registered in Secret Disk 4. Other users, including the system administrator, cannot access the encrypted data.
Irreversible data deletion
Secret Disk 4 implements two data security functions: irreversible data deletion; Moves the file permanently to the original path.
Additional features
- Protects data from failures during encryption operations, including power outages.
- Support for power saving mode for laptops.
- Dynamic distribution of encryption speed.
Certified version
The certified version of Secret Disk 4 can be used in ISDS up to and including class 2 and for creating automated systems up to and including the 1G security class. Comes with a certified eToken PRO (Java) key.