Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Amazon Counter

Developers: Amazon
Date of the premiere of the system: June, 2019
Branches: Internet services

2019: Start in the USA and Europe

At the end of June, 2019 full-scale start of Amazon Counter service which allows to bring sendings to the shops which are in close proximity to the user at the order took place.

The service works in Europe and the USA. Amazon involves to cooperation a large number of retailers who are willingly connected to service as that allows to increase attendance of shops. Having come into outlet behind the order, the user can purchase something there at the same time.

Amazon started delivery service of sendings in any shop nearby

When the ordered product arrives to point of issue, Amazon sends to the user by e-mail the notification with a barcode which needs to be shown to the employee of shop for goods receipt. To take away the order, users are given two weeks.

The Rite Aid pharmacy chain which by June 27 offers an opportunity to take away orders with Amazon more than in 100 points became one of the main partners of Amazon on this project in the USA. By the end of 2019 increase in a scope up to 1500 drugstores is planned. Besides, Amazon promises to expand a zone of work of service on "thousands of other places" thanks to cooperation with new retail networks, the large companies and representatives of small and medium business. Amazon aims at that issue of goods from online hypermarket was access in any network shop.

The service of Amazon Counter is available to all users of Amazon, and not just to owners of subscriptions of Amazon Prime. Service does not levy additional fee for delivery of point of issue of goods of the partner from consumers.

Earlier the Internet giant began to set Amazon Locker — the automated terminals for issue of the order. After order placement with delivery the personal code which needs to be entered into Amazon Locker for goods receipt goes to the selected post-mat to the user. Such delivery type is possible if weight on sendings does not exceed 4.5 kg (as a rule, it is books, small electronics, disks with games, etc.).[1]
