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Amazon Timestream

The name of the base system (platform): Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Developers: Amazon
Last Release Date: October, 2020
Technology: Internet of Things of Internet of Things (IoT),  DBMS

2020: Full-scale start of a cloud service of Amazon Timestream

On October 5, 2020 full-scale start of a cloud service of Amazon Timestream which promises users to increase efficiency of Internet of Things took place. The division of Amazon Web Services was engaged in development of this DBMS.

According to the press release, the new database of time series for IoT and operational applications can be scaled for processing "trillions of events of time series a day that is 1000 times faster, than relational databases". The company states that it can achieve this goal for the tenth part of normal costs.

Amazon was provided by DBMS for IoT which works 1000 times quicker than the relational systems

Amazon states that all this became possible thanks to storage of the latest data in memory and to movement of historical data of the so-called economic level of storage on the basis of determined by the user the politician. The technology of request processing also allows users to get access and is transparent to combine recent and historical data at the different levels using one request.

Timestream will also provide to the users access to functions of analytics and will allow to work with special functionality for time series. According to developers, the product will help users to reveal trends and patterns in data almost in real time.

Being besserverny, the service promises simple scaling and reduction depending on loading without need to support management of a core infrastructure. Amazon Timestream does not provide for users of any unclear costs or obligations, the payment is levied only for data which users enter, store or request.

As of the beginning of October, 2020 the Amazon Timestream service is available in some states of the USA (Northern Virginia, Ohio, Oregon) and also in Ireland. To users from other regions, according to the statement of the company, the product will become available in the coming months.[1]
