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Apple Heart Study

Developers: Apple
Date of the premiere of the system: December, 2017

2017: Announcement

In December, 2017 Apple announced start of the new Apple application of Heart Study within which the company conducts the first medical research. It is intended for collection of data on deviations of warm reductions and the message to users about risk of developing of arrhythmia with the help function of measurement in the Apple Watch smartwatch.

As reported in the press release, watch of Apple has the built-in sensor of measurement of a warm rhythm on the basis of green LEDs with a speed of flicker equal to hundreds of times per second and also the photosensitive photo diodes determining blood-groove speed. The unique optical design of the sensor receives the signals arriving from four specific points located on a wrist. Then, using the advanced program algorithms, hours of Apple Watch select heartbeat against the background of other noise. Thus, the Apple application of Heart Study uses this technology for determination of violations of a warm rhythm.

Apple application of Heart Study

According to a research, the atrial fibrillation is a basic reason of developing of a stroke and every year claims about 130 thousand lives in the USA. Often it proceeds asymptomatically therefore it is extremely difficult to prevent this disease.

The pulsator of Apple Watch is based on a photoplethysmography method. Hours measure pulse by means of the green LEDs and light sources located on the watch case behind. Green LEDs are used because blood reflects red color and absorbs green. LEDs in Apple Watch do measurements a set of times per second therefore the pinpoint accuracy of measurements is reached.

The Apple company reported that it is engaged in these researches together with Medical school of Stanford University. Within the research if the irregular warm rhythm is revealed, participants will receive the notification on it on Apple Watch and iPhone, free consultation with the doctor-researcher and the device for an electrocardiogram (ECG) for additional monitoring. The Apple application of Heart Study is available in App Store in the USA to clients of 22 years and is more senior which have Apple Watch Series 1 or more of the late version.[1]
