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Archos LP-WAN Network for Internet of Things

Developers: Archos
Date of the premiere of the system: 2015/10/06
Technology: SCS

Archos LP-WAN Network for Internet of Things - collective network LP-WAN.

On October 6, 2015 division of ARCHOS company - [1], provided the first-ever global, collective and most available network LP-WAN for Internet of Things.

Henri Croa provided PicoWAN (2015)

In Europe the project begins in June, 2016. According to Henri Croa (Henri Crohas), the president of ARCHOS company, PicoWAN project potential just huge. The company submitted three applications for obtaining the patent.

Key to an innovation – the protocol of wireless communication created on the basis of use of piko-routers (pico-gateway). Its main difference from normal networks with huge antennas and network hubs on roofs of buildings consists in it. Piko-marshrutizator it is inserted into the electric socket and connected to the Internet through Wi-Fi or Ethernet. By means of technology of modulation LoRa (from long range – big range) the radius of its action is comparable with a range of the large-scale systems which are installed on roofs by large operators. At the same time density of network can be much higher as piko-routers cost not much, are easily configured and connected in the building that helps to eliminate "blind" zones, to improve signal quality and to reduce its losses if one device failed.

Piko-marshrutizator (2015)

The cost of the piko-router is approximately a hundred times lower, than at the transmitter on a roof. PicoWAN can create effective and competitive network LP-WAN due to "virus" distribution of devices, without multimillion investments in infrastructure. For the organization of the European network PicoWAN is going to distribute free of charge 200 thousand piko-routers until the end of 2016.

The software for all objects of network will be free for developers, integrators of vertical and consumer markets. They will have an opportunity to organize own networks for Internet of Things. The technology will facilitate simultaneous start of a set of the connected objects in the most different industries (health care, agriculture, home automatic equipment, the industry, etc.).


  1. Picowankomandu PicoWAN was collected by Henri Crohas, the founder of ARCHOS company. The project works on creation of the first-ever global LP-WAN collective network which is planned to start at the end of 2016. It will develop "virusno", without thinking about borders, but mainly in Europe. Distinctive feature of network – low cost that will make it incredibly competitive. Creation of PicoWAN joint-stock company as ARCHOS affiliated enterprise, led by Henri Crohas is supposed