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Arvis (AR headset for surgeons)

Developers: Enovis Surgical
Date of the premiere of the system: July 2022
Branches: Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare

2022: AR headset announcement for surgery

On July 19, 2022, Enovis Surgical announced the start of a commercial launch of the Arvis augmented reality visualization and information system. The headset is designed for orthopedic surgeons to visualize precise guidance when performing augmented reality-enabled hip and knee surgeries.

According to the press release, Arvis is the only patented augmented reality technology that works in real time, without the use of hands. An autonomous, wearable surgical guidance device can be worn on the headband or in helmets already worn during surgery. It was designed to allow surgeons to focus on their patient rather than on a screen at the other end of the room, thanks to the ability to view the procedure hands-free.

AR headset for surgery released
Arvis was designed to provide surgeons with better information, more confidence and an expanded surgical experience that easily integrates into their procedural workflow without the need for intrusive and unnecessary equipment. Augmented reality is one of the many technologies for human-computer interaction, and its specificity lies in the fact that it programmatically visually combines two initially independent spaces: the world of real objects around us and the virtual world recreated on a computer, said President and CEO of Enovis Surgical Louis Vogt.

Enovis Surgical said Arvis is the first system with patented hardware to help surgeons accurately place hip and knee endoprostheses, which helps improve recovery outcomes after joint replacement. The technology also eliminates the use of single-use plastic tools and consumables requiring recycling, offering a sustainable and environmentally friendly option.[1]

