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Autodesk CFD

Developers: Autodesk
Technology: CAD

Autodesk of CFD is a settlement system for exact and flexible modeling of climatic processes of an object taking into account ventilation, conditioning, heating. Computational modeling for blueprint stage gives search capabilities of the "weak" parties and possible vulnerabilities on an object that is a guarantee of reliability of the projectible systems. Compliance of the software of Autodesk of CFD 2018 GOST and CONSTRUCTION NORMS AND REGULATIONS is confirmed with the certificate of Federal Agency for Technical Regulation of Metrology.

Thanks to use of this technology there is an opportunity to optimize a conditioning system and to increase its efficiency at the expense of what significant reduction of operating expenses of an object on power supply is reached. At the same time technologies of CFD modeling can be applied not only in data centers and server, but also to a broad spectrum of other objects and tasks. So, for example, CFD modeling allows to expect wind loads buildings and constructions, to optimize the climatic systems of buildings with an atrium part and the big area of glazing, to calculate intake of smoke at the fire. The finite-element method applied in CFD modeling allows to provide the reliability and accuracy corresponding to a natural experiment.