Developers: | Autodesk |
Technology: | CAD |
New opportunities
Maya nHair
Creation of high-realistic locks of hair and other similar dynamics is performed on the basis of curves using the new module Maya® nHair for a unified environment of modeling of Maya Nucleus.
Joint work over difficult modeling with a possibility of bilateral interaction of Maya nCloth and Maya nParticles.
Use of the general system of fields, forces and dependences in all modules of the Nucleus environment.
The improved specific Viewport 2.0 screen
Viewing results of work is made in the high-quality graphical environment promoting adoption of creative solutions. The better high-performance specific Viewport 2.0 screen provides following features:
- high-quality distribution of depth;
- support of flat images and phantom objects at animation;
- use of the same technology of hardware rendering for formation of the large-scale personnel, creations of high-quality animation and preliminary visualization in a short space of time.
New Editor of nodes
More convenient creation, editing and debugging of networks of nodes using the new special Editor:
- three detail levels;
- replacement of nodes in more intuitive environment with a possibility of editing changes by drag and drop;
- fast determination of data type using color coding.
Bullet Physics
Creation of solid and soft bodies in a single system means of the open high-performance AMD Bullet Physics engine:
- high-realistic modeling of fabrics, threads, the deformed objects and models like "rag dolls";
- separate and continuous calculation of collisions 3D - bodies.
- Well only in Microsoft Windows OS (64-bit), Linux and Mac OS X; hardware acceleration using OpenCL in the Windows and Linux systems promotes performance improvement.
Skinning by Heat Map method
More exact linking of geometry with skeletal models in Maya 2013 thanks to skinning by Heat Map method which allows:
- cover with skin the specified skeleton element, but not adjacent;
- to correct less manually.
Adjustment of clips of Trax
Visualization of imposings of clips of Trax in Maya 2013 for creation of scenes with characters from separate animation.
Effects of imposing allow to see the first and last frames of the clip in 3D - a type. Adjustment of clips is executed using visual criteria or automatically, using options for conversion and rotation.
Caching of the Alembic format
Possibility of reading/record of graphic files of the open Alembic format developed in 2010 by specialists of Sony Pictures Imageworks and Industrial Light & Magic company, department of Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd company:
- extraction of data of animation and modeling in the baked geometry of any application;
cost reduction and the improved interaction at data exchange of scenes between specialists of different areas.
Transfer of animation of ATOM
Transfer of animation from one character on another using autonomous files of the new ATOM format (Animation Transfer Object Model) for the purpose of application of the existing animation data to new characters.
ATOM supports key frames, dependences, layers of animation and the Set Driven Keys tools.
The improved process of binding of files
The simplified segmentation of scenes for parallel operation with colleagues thanks to the improved user interface and foundation architecture of binding of files.
The improved Editor of animation curves
In the Editor of animation curves the new instrument of control of timing and the mode of step-by-step print preview for creation positionally of the managed animation is added.
Improvements in HumanIK
The improved means of HumanIK help specialists to create the equipment and to animate biped characters. Among these means it is possible to note:
- transfer of animation of HumanIK on the equipped characters and from them;
- the universal context doing work more convenient;
- setup of types of characters for compliance to certain requirements;
- permanent adjustment of the equipment at manipulation and reproduction;
- the increased control over Roll Bone influence.