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Developers: Invensys
Technology: EAM


Avantis.Pro is the solution of management of fixed assets of the enterprise (EAM) developed for the modern organizations which status of fixed assets has the defining value.


The solution Avantis.Pro has considerable functionality and flexibility, providing to the enterprise competitive advantage, providing a convenient information access of shop level and turning these data into real knowledge of a status of fixed assets - it is what is necessary for acceptance of reasonable business solutions.

Information for decision making

Each made decision depends on availability of information. For example, contemporary records are of great value when planning and developing maintenance strategies. Information on available resources allows to plan and make most effectively working schedules, both due to optimal use of resources, and at the expense of cost optimization. In spite of the fact that many EAM systems are capable to collect considerable amounts of data, access to necessary for adoption of important operational solutions this is often complicated for users.

The architecture of Avantis.Pro is constructed so that to provide the most quick and simple access to important information and to gain a real impression about a status of fixed assets. Thanks to standard architecture, information becomes available within all enterprise that helps at decision making. All types of users of a system have an opportunity to get access to critical information where it is necessary and when it is necessary.

Function of Card files in Avantis.Pro gives the chance to create convenient representations for viewing information from the database, to systematize them and it is easy to change. Users of a system have an opportunity to create own requests and reports simple drag and drop by a mouse of fields of the database. All fields of the database are available to such transaction, including also those which were created by users.

Thanks to close integration with spreadsheets, such as Microsoft Excel, information from card files it can be displayed in a graphic type that gives the chance to carry out the analysis and to create diagrams, charts, pivot tables without the need for studying of other applications. Avantis.Pro turns huge amounts of data on maintenance into information promoting decision making for the benefit of all enterprise.


Main goal of the module "Supply" in the system of maintenance - minimization of cost of purchases of large volumes of inventory items (spare parts, materials). The module "Supply" provides full automation of all processes of supply, including processing of requests, purchase orders, revenues to a warehouse, tenders, contracts, forwarding and balancing of invoices. Processes of supply help to upgrade the exhausting analytical opportunities and allow employees of department of supply to concentrate the efforts to work with suppliers.

System of automatic document flow

Key feature of Avantis.Pro - a possibility of workflow automation for all its business objects. Workflow automation gives unprecedented flexibility at adaptation of business processes to changes of a business environment.

In the traditional systems business processes are strictly programmed and do not give in to changes. As a rule, in the software the order of the organization of work and all steps necessary for accomplishment of tasks is defined. It forces to adapt business processes of the enterprise for the software, limiting opportunities for their change. Today, when the companies look for methods to increase competitiveness by means of business process optimization, such approach is inapplicable.

The solutions on workflow automation put in Avantis.Pro allow to develop business processes of the enterprise with unlimited flexibility, trying to obtain their maximum efficiency. In other words, there is no need to adapt under Avantis.Pro, Avantis.Pro itself will adapt to needs of the enterprise. Considerable reduction of administrative personnel and flexibility in satisfaction of continuously changing requirements of the enterprise is result.

Avantis.Pro system

Tekhobjektami's management

Invensys developed the concept of Tekhobjekt (a technology, technical object, organizational division, structural unit, a physical or logical entity) for ensuring the maximum flexibility of the database of the available equipment. The concept "Tekhobjekt" extends to all objects for which it is necessary to collect and store the complete information about the activity connected with maintenance and repair. Tekhobjekt can be an item of equipment, a component, a production line, factory, the premises, division or any other element of the organization.

Avantis.Pro "parent descendant" which can be used for creation of hierarchy of fixed assets allows to identify the relations. Such hierarchy gives the chance to sum up costs from below up objects of higher level for determination of cost value and accumulation of operational statistics. The concept "Repaired Tekhobjekt" includes everything that needs under repair or service by repair services (for example, items of equipment, assembly lines, trucks or the repaired spare parts). The concept "Organizational Tekhobjekt" belongs to any systematization used at the enterprise for collection of information at cost, to statistics, the budget and incomplete work (for example, section, workshop or department).

Use of the Additions to Tekhobjektam created by users gives the chance to enter in the database passport data of the equipment or any other handbook data, and that is more important, to browse them, using powerful search criterions.


Providing personnel with correct and timely information on the security regulation - the most important element of any effective management program for maintenance and repair. Avantis.Pro automates collecting and data transmission about such technology transactions as operation of blocking, start, a stop, etc. Requirements for receiving admission to maintenance are easily available to personnel to acquaintance before any work.

Reliability analysis

Avantis.Pro creates the detailed archive of information on a condition of equipment based on daily information on all types of activity on maintenance and repair. The archive of faults includes information on symptoms, the reasons of faults, activity undertakens, and can be easily browsed and analyzed. Moreover, the possibility of drawing up reports on an average time between failures and an average operating time to repair for refining of requirements to maintenance of the equipment is provided.

Management of repair work

The module of Management of Works provides to maintenance specialists all information necessary for control of all forthcoming work and also allows the customer of work to monitor its accomplishment. Allows to consider planning features in an order of need for human and material resources, work of contractors, information on the security regulation that provides carrying out preventive maintenance. Moreover, it is possible to create library of the predetermined standard works that considerably facilitates creation and accomplishment of orders.

The module Management of Avantis.Pro System Operations contains the tools allowing shop personnel to enter data and to get an information access on all maintenance and repair works with the equipment. The magazine of the operator provides idle time in use the mechanism allowing to take notes and to monitor the operations performed with a specific item of equipment.

Besides, integration into the modules Supply and Warehouse guarantees that necessary spare parts and materials will be timely available, performance of work of service of maintenance will increase, interaction with a warehouse and department of supply will improve and also costs on all transactions will be precisely traced.

Scheduled preventive maintenance

Function of the Scheduled Preventive Maintenance (SPM) gives an opportunity to create libraries of standard works with automatic generation of orders for repair work - on the basis of the criteria of start determined by the user of a combination:

  • to technology statistics,
  • to total operating time of the equipment,
  • to a certain calendar date,
  • through certain intervals.

A system can be completely integrated with distributed control system (DCS), for example with a packet of FactorySuite of Wonderware company that provides automatic collecting of technology statistics directly from shop level.

The module of the Party of Pensioners of Russia helps to realize at the enterprise the concept of anticipatory or preventive maintenance and repair according to the plan, but not to treat maintenance only as to the emergency repair work which is executed after damage.


The module Warehouse solves one of the main objectives of a warehouse management system for ensuring requirements of maintenance - control of a huge number of unique names of the different spare parts and parts having low material value, requirement for which is usually unpredictable.

A system automates replenishment action process, using the calculated minimum level of necessary stocks, terms of replenishment of warehouse stocks and the difficult logic of calculation of the expected date of existence of a specific position based on the expected deliveries (open orders on purchase) and material issues (reservation of materials for work orders).

Support of a set of warehouses and also considerable flexibility and almost unlimited opportunities during creation of a classification system allow users to group warehouse positions in the set criteria that considerably facilitates search, the analysis and drawing up reports.