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Avaya Call Center Introductory

Developers: Avaya
Technology: Call centers,  IP telephony

Avaya Call Center Introductory (Media Server)

The main distinctive feature of a packet of Introductory – a possibility of routing of calls. Function of routing Call Vectoring allows to create difficult, multistage, flexible scenarios of call service. Everyone, even the simplest, the call service algorithm (for example, giving of the ringing signals, busy signals, reproduction of music or declarations, setting of a call in queue to group of operators) is implemented using one or several vectors. The vector represents the program written in a simple language (using "Go to" commands). Depending on the different criteria set by the system administrator, calls can be routed to different groups of operators and different operators, subscribers can hear different music or declarations, etc.

The set of criteria of routing of calls is provided, for example:

  • time of day and day of the week;
  • number of free operators;
  • number of the calls standing in a queue with the set priority level;
  • average speed;
  • the digits entered to calling parties;
  • calling number, etc.

Combining these criteria it is possible to develop very flexible algorithms of call service.

Menu of a call

Using the Menu of a Call function ("Call Prompting") the calling party can independently select a required type of service. Thanks to a combination of the functions Call Prompting, Call Vectoring and payments of declarations it is possible to organize "mini-IVR". On the basis of the digits entered by the subscriber, a system can select the necessary route or reproduce the corresponding declaration.

Priority of service

The calls coming to queue can have different levels of a priority – from 0 (lowest) up to 3 (highest). Calls with higher priority will be serviced first of all, bypassing all others. Appropriating I will cause this or that priority, it is possible to change the procedure of its service. For example, the calls arriving on different groups of trunk lines can be serviced differently. Or perhaps exclusive service of some subscribers. Levels of a priority can quickly change, depending on the current situation in the operator center, for example, from number of calls in queue, from number of free operators, etc.

Readdressing in case of not reply of Operator

"Readdressing at not reply of operator" ("Redirect on no Answer" – RONA) – the special function allowing to service in the best way the call which arrived on the operator console which for any reason did not answer it (for example, left a workplace, without having notified on it a system which continues to consider him free for call acceptance). If the operator did not answer a call after the set number of calls (set by the system administrator), then the call can be readdressed:

  • in the same group of operators, but already with higher priority, and thus, it will be serviced out of turn, and the subscriber should not wait for extra time;
  • with the same or higher priority, but in other group of operators who will be able to service these calls in the best way. In order to avoid repeated not reply to call, attendant workstation at the same time is automatically transferred to an idle mode.

The possibility of the notification of the supervisor (in real time and in a report type) about each case of not reply of operator to a call is provided.

Registration codes of calls

The management of contact center is usually interested in having a method of differentiation of the arriving calls for fast obtaining important statistical information. The Registration Codes of Calls function ("Call Work Codes") gives the chance of input of the special codes describing a type of each call, – it is only enough to operator to press the corresponding button on the telephone set. Thus, for example, it will be possible to see results of the announced advertizing campaign easily. Every time when subscribers ask questions of the new, just entered service, the operator can press the corresponding button. Also the operator can click Complaint for all addresses connected with claims to service quality, etc. At the end of the day (either week, or month, etc.) it is possible to see easily summed-up data obtained on the basis of the entered codes of calls.

Issue of operational statistics on the display of the operator

For performance improvement of work the possibility of an output of the main statistical information on a current status of the operator center to displays of telephone terminals of each operator is provided. So, call center operators can at every moment can see how many calls stand in a queue, what is the time wait for the earliest call, etc. It is supposed that the operator, seeing on the display that in queue there are calls, cannot leave the workplace. Formats of the output information can be set by the system administrator depending on specific requirements of these or those employees and according to the selected performance criterions of the operator center. Thus, it is possible to set up to 50 different formats.