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Aveva Unified Operations Center

Developers: Aveva
Last Release Date: 2020/05/20
Technology: CPM,  Data processing centers are technologies for DPC

2020: Integration with EcoStruxure for DPCs from Schneider Electric

On May 20, 2020 it became known, Schneider Electric as Aveva announced expansion of partnership for providing the innovative solutions to the market of the centers of processing data (DPC).

As providers build hyper scalable DPCs of the increasing number of objects to meet the global demand, difficulties of service and operation of such objects create a number of unprecedented calls. Such scale of work requires a different approach for the crucial objects making world digital infrastructure. The combination of Aveva Unified Operations Center, the scalable industrial software, to abilities to manage and monitoring of EcoStruxure for DPCs from Schneider Electric provides at the same time deep and wide overview of daily transactions.

Joint solutions provide the uniform design approach, operation and performance within diverse base of the installed equipment. Thanks to this partnership providers of hyper scalable DPCs will be able to integrate platforms and data sets which existed in the separate systems earlier. Besides, they will have a scaling option irrespective of quantity of objects and their location. The staff of DPC will be able to make faster and reasoned decisions and to optimize assets and operational efficiency for all lifecycle of DPC. Thus, providers of DPCs can provide global, compatible approach to satisfy the growing needs of the clients for digital infrastructure.

When digital infrastructure of the whole world works at a limit of the opportunities, Schneider and Aveva provide the complete solution for hyper scalable data processing centers for service and operation of their crucial environments. Our solution allows to arrange the data long ago existing in separate data processing centers, is frequent in the isolated subsystems, on several objects and finally information to collect and provide integration IT/ OT/IoT at the enterprise level for decision making in real time. This complete solution will provide operational efficiency and reliability of the park of DPCs,
speaks Pankaj Sharma, the executive vice president of division of Secure Power of Schneider Electric company.

Partnership of Aveva and Schneider Electric already brings huge benefit to our industrial clients worldwide. It is an important strategic milestone for us: we expand partnership for entry into other markets and we cover bigger number of clients, having integrated impressive heritage of Aveva on providing the complete unified solutions with deep examination and global opportunities of Schneider Electric in the field of data processing centers. Our general clients have additional opportunities thanks to standardization of systems and processes that leads to increase in production efficiency both on several objects, and at the level of all enterprise,
comments Craig Heyman, the president of Aveva company.