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Aza Technology: Ammonia Detection Device

Developers: Aza Technology
Branches: Pharmaceuticals, medicine, healthcare



2022: A portable device for detecting ammonia in the blood came out in a few minutes

In early March 2022, Aza Technology introduced a device for rapid monitoring of ammonia. It was created with Stanford University and Stanford Hospital to detect hyperammonemia.

As of March 2022, testing for hyperammonemia may take several hours, but the developed device detects ammonia in the blood in a few minutes. The device operates on the principle of a glucometer, which measures blood sugar. In view of the wide range of etiological factors, doctors of various specialties are involved in the curation of patients with hyperammonemia. Most often, such patients are monitored by neonatologists, pediatricians and gastroenterologists. During general examination, attention is paid to hepatic odor from the mouth, hyperreflexia, jaundice of the skin, enlargement of the liver.

A portable device that detects ammonia in the blood in a few minutes

Differential diagnosis is carried out by Gayet -Wernicke -Korsakova encephalopathy, Markiafava-Benjamini syndrome, alcohol dementia. Various questionnaires, a number binding test, and psychometric tests are used to assess cognitive impairment. The main diagnostic method is the determination of ammonia in plasma by the ELISA method or the express method. To diagnose forms of hyperammonemia in blood, the content of metabolites such as glutamine and citrullin is measured. To clarify the etiology of hyperammonemia, the following studies are prescribed:

  • Determination of hepatic transaminases, viral hepatitis markers;
  • Determination of activity of urea synthesis enzymes;
  • ultrasound, liver CT;
  • Genetic research.

Between hospital visits, parents and educators face the need to know the level of ammonia, and when its level requires immediate attention or action. The availability of a rapid blood ammonia device, such as a rapid ammonia monitoring (AMD) device, with the ability to monitor blood ammonia levels, will be a tipping point for the patient and those who care for him, said Kathy Stagni, executive director of the Organic Acidemia Association.

The sensor was tested on blood samples of patients prone to elevated ammonia levels, and a portable version of the device was tested on blood samples with a dosed ammonia content. The results were accurate in both cases. The device requires about one drop of blood and thus can be obtained from the finger or ear. A device about the size of a television remote control, and as with a glucometer, blood drops are applied to a test strip that is inserted at one end.[1]
