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BIT: Hotel 8

Developers: 1C: The first BIT (earlier 1C: Accounting and Trade)
Last Release Date: 2014/01/21
Branches: Tourism, hotel and restaurant business
Technology: Accounting systems


BIT: Hotel 8 – the complex and simple solution for automation of the enterprises of the sphere of hotel business in use according to the Russian legislation. BIT: Hotel 8 was selected already by more than 200 hotel enterprises from different regions of Russia: from Krasnodar to Vladivostok.


  • Significant increase in efficiency of personnel, interaction between sales departments and armorings;
  • Several times service rate of clients increases: for example, time spent for room reservation for the client is reduced by 4 times;
  • All activity of hotel is reflected in a common information space, at the expense of it the transparency of information increases, the quantity of possible errors in accounting is reduced.

Compatibility: 1C: Accounting 8 PROF


  • The only program which allows to close based on a technology platform "1C: Enterprise 8.2" of a task at the same time of all sections of accounting of activity of hotel: managerial, operational, warehouse, accounting and tax;
  • Uniform base for reflection of accounting of all hotel enterprise: armorings and accommodations of guests, operation of the number of rooms, accounting service, administration;
  • Armoring of guests is performed in several minutes;
  • Automatic formation of accounting documents on the basis of these services of armoring and accommodation of guests.


Room reservation:

  • quick search of number on a class, the floor, the body;
  • sending a booking confirmation for e-mail of the client directly from the program "BIT: Hotel 8";
  • individual and group armoring, removal of armor with indication of the removal reasons;
  • automatic calculation of the cost of living and additional services.

Placement and accommodation of guests:

  • possibility of a sharing and resettlement of the guest in other number;
  • accommodation calculation, charge for additional services;
  • accounting of early arrival and late check-out by different methods;
  • formation and printing of the questionnaire of the guest and guest's card.

Loyalty system of guests - work with discount cards and the system of reminders of events.

Control and accounting of payment:

  • indicators of debt on accommodation;
  • an opportunity to print the account with a different type.

Operation of the number of rooms:

  • accounting of cleaning of rooms,
  • numbers on repair,
  • reporting on a status of the number of rooms.

Power supply:

  • accounting of a power supply proceeding from a service package of accommodation and the individual order,
  • accounting of services of a minibar,
  • report generation on a power supply per day, week.

Accounting according to requirements of the Russian legislation: automatic formation of accounting documents on the basis of these services of armoring and accommodation of guests.

Marketing: SMS-rassylki service and electronic mailing directly from the program, the system of reminders, maintaining analytics on each guest and the partner, designation of the statuses of guests (in the black list, the VIP-guest).

Additional opportunities:

  • accounting of telephone negotiations,
  • connection of electronic locks;

connection of a retail store equipment: fiscal registrars, cash desks, magnetic card readers.

Maintenance: Free support of the program is performed in the presence of the agreement of ITS.

New module of Internet armoring

The module of Internet armoring of a product is equipped with new functionality - a possibility of payment of accommodation in hotel through a payment system of Assist. Receiving payment from clients is available in the online mode now. At the same time clients receive a convenient service which guarantees efficiency of service and excludes a possibility of an error at room reservation, the developer company reported on June 26, 2013.

Actions of the client and personnel

  • The customer in real time observes existence of available rooms on the website of hotel;
  • The customer books a room on the page of the website and pays with the credit card a reservation;
  • The request issued on the website of hotel immediately is displayed in a system "BIT. Hotel 8";
  • The hotel administrator sends a booking confirmation to the e-mail address of the customer.


The module of Internet armoring is built in the mechanism of the operating website of hotel, being integrated with the BIT program. Hotel 8 of PROF version.

2013: Integration with WinTariff

On October 23, 2013 1C Company: Announced the first BIT opportunities of use of the data prepared in the program of accounting of telephone conversations WinTariff.

WinTariff is compatible to BIT version: PROF hotel 8. A hotel system accumulates data on a talk and considers them when drawing accounts.

2014: Integration with "Elpost"

On January 21, 2014 1C Company: The first BIT announced integration "BIT: Hotel 8" with the Elpost system for electronic transfer of data on setting of foreign citizens on migration registration in the Office of the Federal Migration Service.

Registration of foreign citizens in managements of FMS – the question open for most of hoteliers of Russia. There are two options of submission of lists in divisions of FMS: personally (by mail) or far off - using the Elpost system.

The Elpost program in itself is not connected with the hotel systems therefore administrators should enter information on the guest twice. Often the individual employee of hotel interacts with the Office of the Federal Migration Service even - both methods of registration of foreign citizens require considerable labor costs and take away a lot of time.

"The first BIT" using the drawing solution on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform - BIT. Hotel 8 expands possibilities of hoteliers, simplifying registration procedure of foreign citizens in the Office of the Federal Migration Service.

Integration of BIT. Hotel 8 with Elpost will help to create and send lists from an armoring card when settling guests one click of "mouse" - confirmation on registration comes directly to a desktop of the administrator in the BIT program. Hotel 8.

Integration with the Elpost system is available in new release of the solution "BIT. Hotel 8".