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Beeline Business: Mobile device management (MDM)

Developers: Beeline Business
Date of the premiere of the system: October, 2013
Technology: Mobile Device Management (MDM)

In November, 2013 JSC VimpelCom (Beeline Business) together with the companies Lanit SAP CIS of " also announced start in experienced and commercial operation of the Russia's first cloud service-Upravleniye mobilnymi ustroystvami (MDM) Ltd.

Along with high dynamics of growth of penetration of smartphones among clients Beeline, the high growth of use of personal mobile devices in corporate environment is observed. Among clients Beeline Business in 2013 already every fourth employee uses the smartphone as the working tool.

Diverse mobile devices, different versions of mobile operating systems and applications are a barrier on the way of mobilization of the companies, creating difficulties in management and control. At the same time blur of borders between personal and office applications causes growth of expenses and creates additional risks of information leak or receiving unauthorized access to corporate systems.

"Mobile device management (MDM)" allows clients to receive Beeline Business the ready-made solution on remote control and setup of the park of mobile devices of employees.

For example, service allows the IT manager of the company far off:

  • include the password on the device;
  • install mobile applications;
  • send office messages and files on devices;
  • configure corporate mail, WiFi and VPN;
  • include/turn off operation of the device in roaming;
  • include/switch-off the camera on the device;
  • erase information or block the device in case of loss or theft;
  • prohibit use of app stores (AppStore, Google Play, etc.);
  • keep the black/white list of applications;
  • remove statistics on all devices of employees;
  • set safety certificates;
  • far off to block and destroy corporate data and accesses;
  • carry out integration into Microsoft Exchange (or to others) by the server for access to mail, the book of contacts, the calendar according to corporate standards;
  • give remote user support.

Service cost "Mobile device management (MDM)" is 200 rubles a month (including VAT) for each device. The complete functionality of the solution depends on the producer of the mobile device and the used mobile OS (Android, iOS, Windows Mobile, etc.).