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Borlas: Systems of optimization planning

Developers: Borlas Consulting group
Branches: Logistics and distribution,  Mechanical engineering and instrument making,  Agriculture and fishery,  Transport,  Power
Technology: APS - Systems of synchronous planning of productions,  BI,  ERP,  SCM

Systems of optimization planning

The demand of the systems of optimization planning is connected with complication of models of business, growth of number of contributing factors and permanent increase in volumes of managerial data. Such IT systems allow to consider a set of criteria and parameters, restrictions and opportunities when planning and, finally, having implemented the integrated planning, to calculate the realistic business plan.

Optimization planning can be used practically in any fields of activity. Especially its application is demanded in planning of operating activities in transport, logistics, power, the industry, agriculture. For example, for cargo carrier it is turnover of cars, for agroholding — distribution of acreage, for power — technology transactions and loading of capacities.

The mathematical models and algorithms which are built in such IT system allow to solve any industry problem so that to receive the best of possible business results at the existing restrictions.

As input data for calculation of the plan information from ERP systems and other applications of the company is, as a rule, used. Settlement process happens quickly (minutes and hours instead of several days at non-automated calculation), can be expedited repeatedly at change of separate parameters (that is impossible at traditional manual planning). The result of calculation is objective, qualitative, does not may contain the errors arising at accomplishment of calculations by the person or owing to personal interest.

Follows, to note that Borlas locates experience of practical application of schedule systems practically in all key industries.

Products IBM Decision Optimization Center and IBM iLOG

In projects on optimization planning of Borlas uses specialized platforms for creation of schedule systems and optimization of high complexity. It solutions based on the products IBM Decision Optimization Center, a specialized solver of IBM iLOG and also Oracle applications and other suppliers.

Systems created by Borlas allow to integrate and solve problems of a different class:

  • Supply chain management (supply chain management, SCM)
  • Expanded planning and creation of the schedule (Advanced Planning and Scheduling, AP&S)
  • Schedule of production (Product Schedule, PS).

The built-in mathematical solver in the automatic mode on certain algorithms varies variables in the conditions of restrictions for achievement of the delivered target function. The best system status is in the automatic mode. And in a system models of multi-criteria optimization are implemented: formation of own purposes for the business application or balancing of the competing business objectives included in one model of planning and optimization.

The scenario analysis is standard functionality of IBM Decision Optimization Center and represents the approved (integrated) plans for the specific periods and also alternatives (What-if the analysis). There is a possibility of change of all parameters of the scenario. The functionality of a system allows to conduct an unlimited number of business scenarios, to make calculation, storage, evident comparison of results of optimization on several scenarios, to carry out the analysis "that-if" with a possibility of adjustment of input data.

Convenience of using

  • Possibility of display of the plan on charts of different type (including the chart Ganta)
  • Availability of the interface for flexible configuration of target function, restrictions, types of the used algorithms (the strategy of optimization) at optimization solving of tasks
  • Maintaining a log of iterations at the solution of optimization tasks
  • Possibility of joint work over the project
  • Differentiation of access rights at the level of functions of a system
  • Possibility of creation of custom interfaces
  • Simplicity in studying and use.
  • Availability of the Russian-language interface

Examples of implementation of a workplace of a system of optimization planning:

Workplace of the scheduler
Automated workplace example of implementation for warehouses
Workplace of the analyst