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Brain Sber CT (formerly CT Stroke)

The name of the base system (platform): Sberbank Medical Digital Diagnostic Center (MDDC)
Developers: SberMedAI
Date of the premiere of the system: 2021/06/03
Branches: Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare
Technology: BMS - Decision Support System,  PACS

The main articles are:

2024: Registration with Roszdravnadzor

The company SberMedII has registered in Roszdravnadzor AI the service CT of the "brain" - a system for supporting medical decision-making for diagnostics. stroke Algorithm helps the doctor quickly analyze CT images and make the correct diagnosis, which in critical cases allows you to start treating the patient in a timely manner and save his life. This was SberMedII announced on April 17, 2024.

The Brain CT service was developed jointly with the Sberbank Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and SberMedII. "Brain CT" automatically determines the presence of signs of ischemic stroke and intracranial hemorrhages on a contrast-free CT study, allocates areas of pathology to the doctor by a color circuit, and also calculates the total volume of brain damage. To qualitatively assess early changes in ischemia, the service has a built-in tool for calculating the score on the internationally recognized ASCECTS scale. It helps radiologists to obtain an accurate assessment of the patient's condition according to a 10-point system and promptly decide on further treatment of the patient. The AI service saves a doctor's time analyzing images and preparing an X-ray report.

{{quote 'author = said Vladimir Koch, CEO of SberMedII. | To get approval for software using artificial intelligence technology in the third - highest risk class, the service has passed serious technical and clinical tests. This is our second registration certificate of Roszdravnadzor for an artificial intelligence model, which allows us to scale the possibilities of using advanced technologies in medical diagnostics. "Brain CT" helps radiologists of medical organizations identify cases of acute cerebrovascular accident, quickly make correct decisions about treatment tactics, increasing the likelihood of a positive outcome and speedy rehabilitation of the patient,}}

The software "System for supporting medical decision-making for the diagnosis of stroke according to CT data" received a registration certificate from 16.04.2024 No. RZN 2024/22413 in the third class of potential risk. In addition, the Brain CT service is a participant in the Moscow experiment on the use of computer vision in radiation diagnostics. The site of the Moscow experiment helps to determine the clinical value, technical maturity and functionality of AI solutions for healthcare.

2021: About "CT Stroke"

According to the information for June 2021, "CT Stroke" on the basis algorithms AI automatically marks CT the photographs, allows you to quickly and accurately assess the damage from stroke both by quantifying the volume of ischemia and the type of stroke. Standardizing stroke diagnosis helps doctors make quick and consistent treatment decisions regardless of their experience and knowledge.