Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Business-Qlik for Restaurants

The name of the base system (platform): QlikView
Developers: BI Consult (Bee Ai Consult)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2015/01/01
Last Release Date: 2015/06/01
Branches: Tourism, hotel and restaurant business
Technology: BI

Business-Qlik for Restaurants is the BI system focused on the enterprises of restaurant business.

Business-Qlik for restaurants is the full solution for job evaluation of restaurants in network.

The solution is from three QlikView main units:

  • KPI of activity of restaurants, the LFL analysis of restaurants, the reporting for Board of Directors;
  • Operational analytics, plan / faktny analysis of YTD, MTD/Forecast, DTD;
  • Marketing and product analytics.

Business-Qlik for restaurants (2016)


  • Carry out revenue analysis (including the plan / faktny and accomplishment of the budget) in any cuts on all or separate restaurants for the different periods, including in the like-for-like format;
  • Predict revenue on all or separate restaurants until the end of current month/year on the basis of indicators of sales in week and the days off.
  • Carry out component analysis of revenue (by method of chain substitutions, the analysis of pacing factors: an average bill, traffic, a vkh-a in the check) in the main cuts for the different periods, including in the like-for-like format;
  • Carry out contrastive analysis of indicators in any cuts for the different periods, including in the like-for-like format;
  • Carry out contrastive analysis of restaurants (and the related any cuts from the reference book of restaurants) on key indicators of sales for the different periods, including in the like-for-like format;
  • Model change of key indicators of sales at change of date of opening of restaurant (introduction of a log) by restaurants, regions, concepts, in a format of settlement like-for-like;
  • Receive the reporting under restaurants, regions and concepts by like-for-like, with separation property / franchizing. Unload the reporting in Excel under the set format.
  • Creation of own reporting, using the tabular or graphic designer of reports.
  • Carry out the analysis of anomalies: identification of deviations of revenue on restaurant from standard revenue in similar days of the week;
  • A system provides three types of comparison of gains by years: to "put-to-day" - for each restaurant dates when it worked in both periods are selected, all indicators are calculated only for these selected dates; to "period-to-period" - all indicators are calculated within the selected periods; "by default" - the list of restaurants for which calculation goes "day - by day", for the others to "period-to-period" is selected.
  • Keep track of integrity of data in a system: on restaurants the daily analytics on cash servers is provided.
  • Carry out the detailed analysis of checks; the average amount, structure of the check on days and hours, average quantity of positions on the check
  • Carry out the analysis of cross-sellings
  • Carry out the analysis of ratings on dishes (including the plan / faktny) in all cuts

As a part of the application NPrinting subsystem for daily mailing of the corporate reporting works.

The application consolidates data from different sources (R-Keeper, etc.).

The solution is developed for all user groups:

  • CEO;
  • Chief / operational / area directors;
  • Managing directors and administrators of restaurants;
  • Financial analysts;
  • Marketing specialists;
  • Product manager;
  • Purchasing department

Characteristics of the solution:


  • KPI
  • like-for-like , date-to-date
  • component analysis of revenue (method of chain substitutions, analysis of pacing factors: an average bill, traffic, a vkh-a in the check)
  • plan / faktny analysis and analysis of accomplishment of the budget, forecast of revenue
  • contrastive analysis of indicators of sales, contrastive analysis of restaurants
  • the analysis of abnormal deviations of indicators of sales on days of the week
  • dynamics, pure and relative gains of indicators of sales
  • the designer of reports on all indicators in all cuts
  • the reporting for executive, financial and general directors

Marketing analysis and Product manager:

  • like-for-like
  • the analysis of the average amount of the check, structure on days and hours, average quantity of positions on the check
  • the analysis of intensity of purchases on hours
  • analysis of ratings of dishes, including plan / faktny, weekly, monthly year-on-year
  • the designer of reports on all indicators in all cuts
  • cross-sellings
  • coupons

Operations and Human resources:

  • KPI indicators of activity of restaurants
  • Ratings of dishes
  • Analysis of quality of work of restaurant (Guest Track (OSAT, SOS, Value Guest), REV)
  • Efficiency analysis of work of restaurants (SPMH, Labour costs)
  • Efficiency analysis of managers, restaurants (INDEX OPS)
  • The plan / the faktny analysis in the format YTD, MTD/Forecast, DTD
  • Audit of errors of introduction of plans
  • The designer of reports on all indicators in all cuts

NPrinting is mailing of the reporting

  • Mailing of the operational reporting on a daily basis
  • detailing of the reporting depends on post level (from the restaurant manager to the CEO)
  • analytics: KPI indicators of activity of restaurants, figures of merit and efficiency of restaurant
  • the report on mistakenly entered entered data
  • accounting of the time zone: each restaurant receives the report till 9:30 a.m. in the morning local time