Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


The name of the base system (platform): Biscuit
Developers: CM-Consult (CM Consult)
Last Release Date: 2016/02/20
Branches: Financial services, investments and audit
Technology: ITSM - Management systems for IT service,  Development tools of applications

CMC Bisquiter - the complete solution of test automation of a banking system of IBS Biscuit in the mode of terminal access.

The solution provides start of automatic testing, accomplishment of complex checks of correctness of execution of transactions, formations of the evident reporting. Use of CMC Bisquiter, according to statements of developers, helps to reduce costs for testing, to increase the speed of release of versions and to reduce quantity of the passed errors.

Screenshot of software window CMC Bisquiter (2015)

Main Features

  • Any application, from any vendor, including solutions with the open code can serve as instrumental means of start of autotests;
  • Recognition of forms and texts in the terminal application is performed using the adaptive algorithm using both practices CM-Consult, and industrial solutions (for example, ABBYY OCR of SDK, one of the most powerful tools on text recognition),
  • For testing any versions of terminal clients can be used;
  • During reproduction of tests the detailed log including record of video for the subsequent manual analysis of start of the test is conducted;
  • Thanks to internal development of CMC Javitus, pseudographics information from the terminal client application is defined as separate objects, forms, the menu, tables;
  • The development environment allows to use industrial approaches in development of autotests, such as model-based and data-driven testing;
  • Integration with the majority of testing aids allows to start on a centralized basis tests, to support test laboratory, to create and to visually display reports on starts.


2016: CMC-Bisquiter 2.0

On February 20, 2016 the CM-Consult company announced release of version 2.0 of solution CMC Bisquiter.

Changes in version 2.0 Support is added

  • Visual Studio,
  • Selenium=WebDriver,
  • TestComplete,
  • Ranorex,
  • AutoIt,
  • CodedUI,
  • Sikuli,
  • Thucydides,
  • IBM Rational Functional Tester.

The adaptive algorithm allows to select automatically a recognition method depending on complexity of objects. Tools a unit testing are supported: NUnit, MS Test, jUnit, TestNG. Performance of reproduction of tests is improved