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CRM Rule24

Developers: ILADA
Technology: CRM

Main article: CRM (Customer Relationship Management System)

2014: CRM "Rule24" Description

Customer relations can be carried out in B2B markets - Business with business, company with company or in B2C market - Business with the end customer - with an individual. These relationships can be in the new, potential market of customers and in the market of active customers with whom there have been and are contracts.

Depending on whether the potential customers are or are active, the manager will or will not have access to such data as TIN, CPT, address, account, bank BIC, etc.

CRMB2B for new customers is considered standard. They work with companies through company employees, through contact persons.

CRMB2C is for companies such as polyclinics, beauty salons, fitness clubs online stores, service companies. Here the customer is an individual. This customer orders an item or service, he pays.

It happens that the company works with both physical and legal entities, for example, a maintenance station. Such an enterprise needs more functionality than standard CRM.

Rudders 24 CRM supports the management of relationships with both legal entities and individuals, both in the lead market and with current customers. Each of the companies itself decides which part of CRM to use.

A CRM administrator can configure their managers to work with part of the client database.

Rudder 24. CRM Administrator

The CRM Administrator plans, monitors, and manages customer relationships.

To perform these functions:

  • Account managers and manager reporting structure are started
  • A database of clients, both individuals and legal entities is formed. The Data Base can be downloaded from files or entered manually. Data Base of potential customers have a limited set of details. The Data Base of existing customers includes all the details necessary for concluding contracts and creating accounting documents.
  • segmentation of the customer database is done. To do this, each customer is assigned one or more segments (roles)
  • clients are assigned to managers.
  • Work plans are generated for each manager
  • all works performed by managers with groups of fixed clients are monitored and analyzed
  • decisions are made to stimulate the work of managers

Rudder 24. CRMB2B

Main CRMB2B Technology: Lead (Interest), Manager, Contact, Company, Transaction

For example, the company is organizing seminars, and the task is to organize a seminar "Project-process approach to enterprise management with Ruli24."

How can I use CRMB2B to perform this task

Firstly, it is necessary to form a list of companies of potential participants in the seminar. This list is assigned to the manager. Generate letter template - seminar invitations and/or telephone template.

If the first step with the list is telephone, you must create a work group with the Call action.

The first stage of work may be the mass mailing of letters.

Letters will be sent to company contacts, and the manager will be formed with a proposal to organize a seminar.

Secondly, to identify the interest of companies in participating in the seminar - to form Lids - a list of interested customers. Telephone calls and e-mail with clarifying information can be used for this. You need to close the work with the client with a plus sign for interested customers and with a minus sign for the uninterested.

Thirdly, bring the client's interest to the deal, to participate in the seminar. To do this, create work with the action "Issue documents": invoice, commercial offer, contract, certificate, invoice (depending on the operating rules of the enterprise) and forward these documents to the client. If the client accepted and signed these documents, close the work with a plus, if not signed - close the work with a minus. For accepting and signing the documents, form a work with the action "Organize a meeting"

Fourth, take into account the presence of company employees of participants at the seminar. Not everyone who signed the documents can attend the seminar. For companies that came to the seminar, close the work with a plus. For companies that promised to come, but did not come, to close the work with a minus.

The list of interested customers in enterprise products or services can expand as you work in the CRMB2B task.

For each company, information on contacts, works and transactions will be accumulated. Works can have dependencies. For example, the sales manager instructs the manager to organize a workshop. Dependent on this task will be the work of the manager "Call," "Send a letter," "Organize," "Prepare documents," "Organize a meeting" for each of the list of clients.

If the work is not mass-based, the "Calendar" can be used to organize work with customers

You can schedule work for specific hours or indefinitely throughout a day or several days.

The sales manager can use the Scheduler to plan and monitor the execution of work by managers.

CRM Rule24 allows you to effectively organize your work with customers and manage the activities of managers.