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Developers: Skin and allergic diseases (charitable organization)
Date of the premiere of the system: July, 2020.
Branches: Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care

2020: Application launch

On July 7, 2020 it became known of start in Russia of free service CheckSkin which allows people to keep track of course of disease with chronic diseases of skin and to inform on it the attending physicians.

The platform was created by forces of the "Skin and Allergic Diseases" Interregional Charitable Public Organization (ICPO) and the Autonomous Nonprofit Organization (ANO) "Sensor-Tekh Laboratory". The first was founded in 2012 at the initiative of the people who faced chronic diseases of skin whereas "Sensor-Tekh" appeared in 2016 with assistance of "Fund of support of deafblinds Connection". "Contour-Focus" on the Sensor-tekha page puts a mark that the final owner of the organization – the Government of the Russian Federation.

In Russia free service for control of chronic diseases of skin is started

At the application three basic functions. First, users can control onto the health and fix effect of the applied treatment. It is necessary to load photos of emptyings, and service will keep track of their dynamics. Will consider all factors at which symptoms of a disease were shown, including psychological. At any time the diary can be downloaded and sent to the doctor.

In addition, users will obtain information on new methods of treatment that it is extremely important as by this moment of effective methods of treatment of psoriasis and atopic dermatitis it is not enough. The application will announce set on clinical trials, will tell about schools of patients and about thematic actions. And also will create individual recommendations about a power supply and personal care for each user.

One more Checkskin function is a navigation on the treatment and prevention facilities assisting on a dermatovenerologichesky profile. It is possible to enter them in the list My health facilities with all contact information.

Free mobile application of Checkskin is available to the Android platform.  It is in the future going to release the version for iOS.[1]
