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Corteos Platform

Developers: Corteos
Branches: Tourism, hotel and restaurant business
Technology: CRM,  HRM

Main articles:

Corteos Platform is a business travel management system. Automates the interaction process between travel agencies and their clients - organizations (corporate clients, subagents).

2021: Corteos Platform Features

According to information as of November 2021, Corteos is an open platform with which each of the platform participants (business tourism agencies, third-party developers, vendors, developers on the corporate client side) can change and expand the logic of the system, connect new suppliers or change interfaces using the creation of extensions.

Extensions are called "Modes" and can be developed using ASP.NET and vue.js technologies alone or with the help of third-party developers.

Connecting to Corteos, corporate customers will have the opportunity to:

  • Book and book travel services yourself
  • manage the business travel of their employees
  • Configure and monitor travel policy compliance
  • Automate the internal travel reconciliation process
  • independently generate reports on ordered services
  • apply tripartite airline agreements

For business tourism agencies, Corteos offers the following features:

  • full-fledged front office
  • complete transparency of the service process
  • Collect statistics on all customer communications and employee activities with orders
  • automation of customer reporting and electronic document management with customers (delivery of electronic tickets, vouchers, financial documents)
  • implementation of new quality of service standards
  • implementation of motivational and rating schemes for staff based on data collected in Corteos
  • reducing transaction costs by automating the process of selecting, booking and processing services, and as a result, reducing the number of employees.

Corteos consolidators allow you to:

  • Book and arrange all travel services in a single interface
  • refuse to install professional booking system terminals in the office and accreditation of sales offices
  • refuse to hire expensive booking professionals
  • Service your customers in real time

Branches of the agency (implants, regional representative offices) will be able to use Corteos either acting as clients of the central office, or providing access to their customers with the ability to process their orders both directly in the branch and in the central office.