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Digital Annealer Unit (quantum computer)

Developers: Fujitsu
Date of the premiere of the system: May, 2018
Branches: Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care
Technology: Supercomputer

2018: Announcement of the quantum computer

In May, 2018 Fujitsu announced the Digital Annealer Unit (DAU) quantum computer and also opened to it a public access by means of a cloud service of Quantum-inspired Computing Digital Annealer Cloud Service.

Fujitsu says that DAU at the same time uses advantages of quantum and classical computers. Among different methods of the quantum computings presented today at the market, the Digital Annealer Unit computer implements a method of annealing which is focused  on solving of tasks of combinatory optimization. Use of technology of digital annealing does not require programming. The user just sets keyword parameters on the basis of which calculations are executed.

Fujitsu started the quantum computer as a cloud service

In the DAU computer the traditional semiconductor technology with flexible configuration of a configuration of schemes is used. Such feature allows to apply the solution in broader spectrum of tasks in comparison with other quantum architecture. Quantum computers require installation of special coolers for maintenance of extremely low temperatures, up to absolute zero (-273 degrees Celsius), and the solution of Fujitsu can function even at the room temperature.

Some of the first the quantum computer of Fujitsu was tested Mitsubishi UFJ by companies Recruit Communications, Trust Investment Technology Institute, Fujifilm and Fixstars. Fujitsu used technology in the division of IT products to accelerate deliveries in warehouses.

The University of Toronto reported that the quantum computer of Fujitsu is capable to reduce difficult data processing from several years to hours or even seconds. Such speed is useful for search of methods of cancer therapy.

By the end of May, 2019 the cloud of Quantum-inspired Computing Digital Annealer Cloud Service is available only in Japan. Within several months it is going to expand its geography, having covered North America, Europe and Asia.

Besides, Fujitsu is going to begin sales of DAU quantum computers according to the customer order.[1]